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New south-american user

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone!

I hail from a south-american country which I won't specifically disclose, for now.

It is, as you might imagine, a DMT abundant locale; I've taken ayahuasca a couple of times, and I live in a place where Anadenanthera Peregrina and Colubrina are readily available.

I expect my participation in the forum will help me gain additional insight into this fantastic world.

In case anyone is wondering about my username, Xapiripë are the shamanic spirits called upon by the Yanomami healers when they snort yãkõana (the Yanomami word for yopo).

See y'all around!
welcome Xapiripe, your location is very fortunate for being interested in these medicines.. also great name. i loved studying the yanomami people in school, i'd love to learn more now that ayahuasca/dmt has become so important to me.
Welcome to to forum Xapiripë,

I hope you find all the info you are looking for here. Indeed your locations seems quite ideal to explore this almost forgotten territory!

Wishing you happy travels!
Thanks for all the kind compliments!

mailorderdiety said:
welcome Xapiripe, your location is very fortunate for being interested in these medicines.. also great name. i loved studying the yanomami people in school, i'd love to learn more now that ayahuasca/dmt has become so important to me.

I recommend a book called "Circle of Fires", by french anthropologist Jacques Lizot. Among the many unique things compiled therein, there's a complete description of the hallucinogenic initiation of young shamans, complete with the trip report of the indian who was undergoing the process. It's really amusing, I'd scan if I had the book in english, but I'll see if I post a translation sometime.

jacintochontal said:
Saludos desde Mexico colega!! bienvenido :)

Gracias amigo! Desculpa mi español, que no es tan bueno... pero creo que ya pueda imaginarse donde vivo, jeje
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