Rising Star
Thought this is quite interesting:
Scientists discover neuronal effects of psychedelic drugs using human minibrains
Original Nature article as PDF
In short:
I really hope they do the same also for other trypts to find out, if this is general for them or specific for 5-MeO-DMT.
But I have to say, that most stuff in this paper is far above my understandable level...
Scientists discover neuronal effects of psychedelic drugs using human minibrains
Original Nature article as PDF
In short:
Researchers found that proteins important for synaptic formation and maintenance were upregulated. Among them, proteins related to cellular mechanisms of learning and memory, key components of brain functioning.
On the other hand, proteins involved in inflammation, degeneration and brain lesion were downregulated, suggesting a potential neuroprotective role for the psychedelic substance.
I really hope they do the same also for other trypts to find out, if this is general for them or specific for 5-MeO-DMT.
But I have to say, that most stuff in this paper is far above my understandable level...