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new super potent columnar cacti species

this article has been posted here before, interesting it is.
the "discovered" cactus is not "new" It has been recorded before a potency of 5%, so, nothing new under the sun.pachanoi matucana (not peruvianus matucana), selected clones over decades if not more, probably.
That link has pictures of the plants from that study.
That stronger clone is the first photo on the page.

That 5% has a bit of a story behind it, that concentration is not new however, it matches data from over 50 years ago in the 4-5% range for outer tissue of T pachanoi.

The strong pachanoi was from a grower, it is not average or common material but is grown for the witches market. It was sent along with a very interesting Peruvianus plant, a fat clone with rather short spines, that was not included in the study for lacking collection data and was not tested. The pachanoi sample similarly lacked collection data and was only allowed into the study because of documented use of the species by Shamans and the thesis of the paper was about comparing species that have been corroborated as being used verses those not used. The hypothesis being that the species with a known history of use should be more potent than those that have no such known history. The hypothesis was not contradicted but the study was not exhaustive or conclusive, it did sum up a lot of data nicely though.

I don't know that anyone has tried the Peruvianus that the grower sent, I assume that if their pachanoi is strong, their peruvianus should be almost as strong, but I would never expect good peruvianus to be as potent as good pachanoi.

The clone that was sent from the grower in Peru that tested 5% in the outer skin was held up as a cutting in the post for a long time, also the seasons in Peru are the reverse of those here in the Northern Hemisphere, so there may be some important factors as to why it tested as it did. Clearly more study is needed.

I've heard a lovely rumor of diluting material to get it into the upper range of detection for a method that could not actually test above a specific percentage. Rumor has it that one method of measuring content had an upper range that if a sample exceeded then no accurate measurement could be given, so they diluted it, more than once, to get it into the proper range for the method... Yes this rumor has it that some study out there found material more potent than the highest range they could test for... the upper range being something like 4-5%...

Consider that some peyote is in the range of 6%, but most averages 1-2%... (mesc dry weight according to various sources) it is reasonable to expect this for Trichocereus. That is to say that some San Pedro (a name used for many species not just one) is weaker than average, such as the common clone that is so widespread in the USA... some is average, such as what many regard as potent, in the 1-2% range... and then there should be some that are exceptionally potent in comparison, 5-6% is not unreasonable.
I wonder why this strain is so unspoken, almost never addressed by growers or seed sellers.Is it just the standard Pachanoi or maybe its known under other nomenclatures? I am growing some seedlings (seed labeled as P.Matucana) but who knows what will that be...
oneistheall said:
I wonder why this strain is so unspoken, almost never addressed by growers or seed sellers.Is it just the standard Pachanoi or maybe its known under other nomenclatures? I am growing some seedlings (seed labeled as P.Matucana) but who knows what will that be...
Not the standard pachanoi according to what I have found.
Average pachanoi in the Andes is known to be far stronger than common "pachanoi" in the USA.
However the high score in this case seems to come from an above average clone propagated for specific applications, as opposed to a semi-feral specimen collected for specific applications.

If you grow average pachanoi from seed it will be far stronger than common USA pachanoi, but will also vary a great deal and some specimens will be more worth propagating than others.

I suspect that some of the 3 way hybrids around today, (Pach X peruvianus) X bridgesii are going to give some of the highest alkaloid content we will ever see. Anecdotal reports of their activity is worth following up on with further study and clandestine research.
i just wanted to point out that just because you have a clone of something, doesn't mean its going to be as potent as its parent.

infact, it not uncommon for plants and cacti to have varying activity, even when taking from the same plant.

many factors go in to potency and dwelling on one clone that may be 5% isn't worthwhile.
soil looks to be almost all organic matter, be careful if this is a rooting cut with that kind of soil
not to over water...

good luck with the new Babe, in a few years we will expect a report of two on activity
Yeah I just had to throw some Schultz cactus mix (it's crap on its own, way too dense) on top, but there's a lighter mix of perlite and soil underneath the top layer. I also barely water at all - like once or twice a month lightly - while rooting. Winter's coming so there's no rush. I'll keep y'all posted...
Edit: well I was trying to post a pics of what I believe may be my 3 most rare cacti.

Species C is the skinny one. Sadly, this tip cutting was a rescue job... I rooted a tip, the cacti got snapped off, the middle cutting rot away. The base threw a pup but then rot. This tip seams to be doing well enough though, so all is not lost.

The fatter tip with longest spines is from my very first cacti. I bought a seedling label pedro x active trich. It is a bitter bitter thing. I gave a tip to a friend who sold it on eBay :( The middle sections were.... Dealt with beautifully. The base's roots rotted away but it didn't die and has rerooted.

The other lil guy is the big 5% hitter. I can't pronounce the real name so I call it Odin's Bodega. It makes me laugh. Can't wait till this sucker grows out.
Very nice. I really like the look of that hybrid (the fat one) - looks to be a pach x bridgesii hybrid probably?
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