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new to dmt not new to psychs.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone. I am a very positive person I have gained a lot of insight from the responsible use of psychedelics. I came from the Blue Light forums and believe that they are a very strong community. I have just had my first experience with DMT and I have to say it is absolutely amazing. I hope to make new friends on this forum. I also hope that I might be able to offer a little help if people have any medical questions as I hold a degree in medicine. Thank you. I look forward to learning more about DMT and peoples experiences.
Here is my first DMT report.

I was transported to another world. I could feel my body float downward. My mind and what I know as myself were floating upward. I was in a room of what I can only call pure wonderment. The shapes and colors in this room were unlike anything the human eye has ever seen or will see. Every thing seemed perfect. It was absolutely amazing. I thought to myself this room is absolutely amazing but im here to learn something, to learn more about myself. I wanted to be done with the room and move on. I knew that there was more.

Then I was transported away form the room and to another dimension were I was suspended in what seemed like the universe. I think there was a large Farris wheel that I saw and there were so many things going on in the Farris wheel. I cant be for sure as to what was happening. At first I didn’t want to pay attention to it because I felt that I needed to continue to go further.

I then realized that the Farris wheel was put there as a stepping-stone to make me realize that this is going to be a positive experience. That nothing negative would ever happen while I was here. I was told stop trying to force things to happen. The Farris wheel was put there for a reason and I was to pay attention to everything they are showing me. I may have thought it was insignificant but they were trying to show me that I was in a safe environment it was not put there for my amusement but to comfort me.

I also felt as if I was just a small particle floating in the universe. There was so much happening on that Farris wheel. They were trying to show me more but I was so intent on going further that I did not concentrate on what was on the wheel or what was going on in and around the wheel. What I do remember is the wheel was absolutely amazing. It was colored orange, yellow and rotating slowly. There was definitely small little “people” (I say people for lack of a better word) riding on the wheel. They all seemed to be having fun and occasionally reaching out to me.

I then realized that I am too pushy and this new realm would let me know when they were ready to teach me not the other way around. Then I saw what I believed to be another realm floating in from the right side of my vision it looked to be purple. I foolishly tried to grab it and put myself into that realm but then again I was told that things would never happen that way as long as I was here.

I was told that once I realize that my body is fine, im breathing, my wife is in the next room waiting for me and checking up on my body. Then my mind would be free to go. I finally came to this understanding. I learned that I am ready for this adventure. That this is not a substance that will be used for recreational use or euphoria. It is something that must be taken very seriously and used as a sacrament to learn more about my life, my surroundings and myself. This will only happen when I am willing to let go of what I consider my body and allow my mind to enter a new realm of understanding. Only then will I posses a knowledge that I do not currently hold. I learned that I couldn’t force this to happen. I learned that basically I have no control over when I am ready to learn more.

I am in utter amazement of what I saw and learned about myself in that short journey.
Hey godzilla

Thanks for sharing your experience! This sounds amazing and very interesting...

Looking forward to reading more of you ;)
Thank you. I was wondering do people have similar experiences??? I was also thinking of just trying dmt for one experience every two days is that ok or overusing it. I understand this is a honeymoon period for me but want to get the most out of each experience and do so responsibly. Thanks.
Welcome to the Nexus!

It sure is amazing, isnt it? And it will not stop being amazing! Sometimes the trips seem to have common/repeating themes, but sure enough it will completely blow your expectations again,and again, and again. I first smoked dmt quite a few years ago and I see no end to this rabbit hole :D

Regarding how often is too often, only you can tell that. Did you read our health and safety section in the wiki? I think the important thing is that your responsibilities in life are still being fulfilled, and that you take care of integration. Its natural that in the beginning there is the so-called 'honeymoon period', where there is a more regular use, but soon enough it fades out and becomes a less frequent thing. I would bet if we made a questionnaire for people of how often they smoke DMT and how long ago they started using it, there would be a strong negative correlation.

But this also goes in phases, so sometimes there may be a day where one smokes a few times, or a weekend with a few launches too, and then spending long time without it, etc. So just try to be reasonable with your use, listen to your good sense and your body, and you'll be fine. I think the fact that you are asking yourself these questions and wanting to make it responsible is already a great attitude that will be on your side :)

Are you interested at all in taking dmt orally too? What about other psychedelics, whats your experience with that (you said you are not new to them but im wondering if you could expand a bit more).

In any case, glad to have you around, and certainly medical knowledge can be a good contribution to the community! See you around!
I haven't broken through yet, and I feel it's becuase I am not ready. I am glad you are learning from your experience and you seem to have a great attitude and respect towards the whole experience. I introduced the spice to a friend and he was able to breakthrough. I feel it made a simular impression on him. As he said it was something he wasn't going to do for awhile, but he was greatful for the experience and thanked me the next day. The spice really is amazing stuff!

Wecome to the Nexus :d
Thanks for your response.
To answer your question I have taken LSD many times.
Taken LSD in higher doses and enjoy low doses.
Mushrooms, some of the 2cs. Mdma ect.
I would like to try it orally and need to.learn how to do that.

Ps. I have never experienced anything like dmt.
I made my own so that shows my motivation to really explore what it has to offer.

I have never had a "bad" trip. I am in a great place in life.
I'm a very positive person and believe strongly in religion.
Thanks again for your kind words.
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