Rising Star
i guess my story begins when i was young, i was drawn to spiritual and religious reading since i can remember, had an alter in my room since i was a child and my parents did not enforce this behaviour at all. as soone as i finished school the first thing i did was go to india on a great pilgrimage many years past of travelling the world and i came back to live in canada and a person came to me and they said i did something this week its going to sound crazy but it gave me an instant out of body experience and i was told to bring this to you and its called dmt. after i tried it for the first time i knew instantly there was something here i was looking for. i have done many ayahuasca cermonies, cactus ceremonies, and smoked more dmt then anyone i have met. im love being on this site with a collective of like minded people, if i was a member i can say that i value sincerely what this site is all about and would love to be a full member to help spread the great wisdom of our true nature.