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Rising Star
Hi everyone. :D Swim has been interested in dmt for quite some time now and just recently went through with his first extraction. To make a long story short, the process went well enough to produce a small amount of quality product. Swim started out vaporizing a dose (estimated) of .02g, took two long tokes and received a baseline effect. Nothing spectacular, very mild oev and cev, heavy body load, typical threshold effects. A little disheartened swim let his friend try the same amount, who experienced a mid level trip equal to an 8th of shrooms (peak), with more intense visuals. Swims friend was very pleased with his first experience and wanted swim to try again, thinking perhaps there wasn't enough vaporized to get the desired effect. So swim tried again, vaporizing heavily, inhaled two heavy hits. Alas to no avail, swim experienced the same threshold effects.... Swim is very upset about the whole experiment, and is wondering why dmt does not seem to be doing the trick for him. Unfortunately he is out of product now to do any further experimentation. Questions... (1) Is it possible for one to have any kind of high tolerance for this base? (swim hopes this isn't possible) (2) The only medication swim is on atm is Chantix. Does anyone know if chantix affects brain receptors that could cause a blockage on dmt or psychedelics in general? From swims understanding, chantix only plays an agonist on the nicotinic receptors... which shouldn't be a problem. However the medication has also been sighted as somewhat of an anit-anxiety/depressant in some cases... Thanks :p [/img]
Seems you didnt smoke the whole 20mg and your mate cleaned the remaining up with his. Besides 20mg is a threshold dose so start with 40mg to get better results. Why be 'upset'? Its all about experimenting and finding the 'sweet spot'. :)
Yea, swims just a little disappointed to go through the entire process, yet still miss out on the experience. Would of had more pulls but somewhat of a catastrophe happened. Swim says be careful while trying to re-heat cheap wal-mart containers! During the process swim heard a loud SNAP, tried desperately to get the mix into a new container but failed to do so before the bottom fell out of the project. Swim hopes mimosa powder lye and naphtha wasn't to harsh on the pipes. Least it happened over the sink and not the carpet, could have been worse. And yea, swim thinks it's possible he just didn't get enough vapor in. After the second try there was still quite a bit of residue left over in the pipe. Swim thinks the glass pipe being so thick, paired with the shape of the surface area he was trying to heat made it a little tricky. Swim will probably experiment with a different pipe next time. Thanks Dream.
The moral of the story, don't shop at Wal-Mart. ;) The thickness of the glass shouldn't be a problem. Put a bit of ash over the DMT before lighting and 'bounce' the lighter which helps with the vaporizing, Goldilocks sort of thing, not too hot, not too cold. Also, clean the pipe out after a usage/before passing it on, because residue from the first will hang around to the second. When working with highly potent chemicals, it is important not to leave even small amounts as they may produce un-calculated or undesired effects. Remember that especially if the pipe is a multi-use pipe. DMT can be a bit of a surprise when passing around the ol'ganja. Peace, Zen.
Yeah, trust me, swim stays clear of wal-mart as much as possible! He has a hatred for the laziness corporate America pushes. If he needs a gallon of milk a basket ball and some socks, he'd rather goto 3 different places. Swim is well aware of the danger of dmt residue, however, since he was working with such small amounts he figured cleaning wasn't necessary. If he had cleaned it, his friend probably wouldn't have achieved the desired effects either. Thanks Zen, for the tip on the pipe. Swim will just have to start with a bigger dose next time. He was just playing it safe, to safe for the amount of product apparently. ;)
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