Hello everybody, great website!!! Just a guy from holland who had the oppertunity of running into 200mg of dmt a year ago and having an amount of MHRB waiting to be extracted. So a day ago after reading for ages i did it... but a problem occured< i think> After a naptha pull there were besides the cloudy napthat also forming little drops of oily orange things forming in my collecting dish. and after al lot of veeeery cloudy pulls i put it all in the freez. and indeed i have a lot of fluffy whites and also big orange crystals. On the bottom of the dish stil is a very compact ... something??1!! What is it? should i go on and pour of the naptha and dry evap the dish? and when i pour aof the naptha will there for sure come crystals with it. or do i not need to pour it through a filter? I did not no what stress feels like, but this is my second try and i say.... ITS stressy lol rgrds scamie