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Rising Star
Hello everybody, great website!!! Just a guy from holland who had the oppertunity of running into 200mg of dmt a year ago and having an amount of MHRB waiting to be extracted. So a day ago after reading for ages i did it... but a problem occured< i think> After a naptha pull there were besides the cloudy napthat also forming little drops of oily orange things forming in my collecting dish. and after al lot of veeeery cloudy pulls i put it all in the freez. and indeed i have a lot of fluffy whites and also big orange crystals. On the bottom of the dish stil is a very compact ... something??1!! What is it? should i go on and pour of the naptha and dry evap the dish? and when i pour aof the naptha will there for sure come crystals with it. or do i not need to pour it through a filter? I did not no what stress feels like, but this is my second try and i say.... ITS stressy lol :D rgrds scamie
Marsofold!! But i am looking at some pretty gooed crystals... But ok .. get rid of the napta..... dry/ fan the crystals and other things... scrape it out... a/b.... whoala??? Is it a good idea to first try to dissolve it again in hot naptha?
[quote:bee62d35db="scamie"]Marsofold!! Is it a good idea to first try to dissolve it again in hot naptha?[/quote:bee62d35db] Yeah, actually you probably should give that a try first. If its too oily, it wont work very well though. Also when I suggested the second A/B I should have added [i:bee62d35db]with defat.[/i:bee62d35db] Oops.
lol oke man!! thxs next month i will try your tek. It will cost less time isnt it? i did not read it proparly yet... more small portions uncooked powder... something like that..
What's the cause of cloudiness..?... you were a little 'rough' with teh turkey baster .? It makes me wonder how did you filter the acid soaked root..? I'd take the time to filter instead of decanting, but either way, the point is to make perfectly transparent, clear acid extract. No other gunk will get into the naphtha then.
:D Thanxs for the posts. I will keep an update. I was planning to evap etc.. today, but my girlfriend is at home and she'does NOT like that damn naptha smell allday in the house...haha. Its so cold ouside in holland that your balls freeze and leaf your body by falling off.... so no evap outside... no evap today... to be continued
okee. i scraped of say a gram of crystal... collected the goo and crystals... warm naptha.... get rid of the goo... ready to freeze... i am so happy!!! produced my first crystals ever... :D :D :D and in a while....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :shock:
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