Rising Star
Hello, I am a long time reader, first time poster. I have been working with the jungle medicine for the better part of a year now. I have been interested in working with dmt in new ways for quite some time now. I did my first extraction last week. I followed q21q21 lime tech and it went better than I expected. I ended up with over a gram of crystals. It is interesting, because i love to cook and following the tek was just like cooking to me. I have some caapi leaf on the way and I look forward to enhancing that myself so that I can try my hand at my first batch of changa. I did try a small portion of the crystals. About 20 mg. It reminded me much of mimosa without the caapi and less directed. It only lasted a couple minutes but it was obvious that it is serious stuff. I think I would prefer higher doses with changa my first time around or maybe a small portion of caapi tea just to ease myself into it. I did pick up a vapor genie the other day though so who knows, If the moment strikes me, I might end up attempting to go all the way. I did not think that i would confront much fear about working with this spice but to be honest, I have been experiencing a mild state of panic and did not quite recognize where it was coming from until today. I guess it is as if a part of my subconscious is aware of what is waiting on the other side and is causing a bit of resistance. Anyway, I am glad to be here and look forward to good discusion.
So After reading the description of what the essay was all about, I thought I ought give a little more background about who I am and what I am doing here. I have had my experiences with lsd, salvia, mushrooms and of course, as I mentioned, ayahuasca. Ayahuasca has by far been the most therapeutic. But I must say that salvia has to be the most powerful anything I have ever experienced. It is like every time, no matter how much I prepare, the moment I put down the pipe I am right back where I left the time before, "completely baffled and in awe". Lower doses more drawn out have proven most beneficial when working with her.
I live in a spiritual community here on the west coast U.S. and I run an organic farm. My whole life is about plants. Teaching about plants and nature, plant husbandry, growing them, eating them, using them for medicine and sacrament as well. I was was a bit reticent about doing my first extraction until I started reading here. And I was quite pleased that the process was a lot more natural than I expected.
About a year ago, I was in a tough spot spiritually. I was aware that I had a bunch of sub conscious issues that were just kind of percolating under the surface and I just wanted them OUUT! At some point, I made a commitment to get to the bottom of some of these issues that appeared to be keeping me from moving in the direction I wanted to go in my life. About 3 days later, I heard Peter Gorman on the Art Bell show promoting His book, "ayahuasca in my blood" He described the experience in a no nonsense way that made it extremely attractive to me. So I got on Ayahuasca.com and started reading everything I could and asking questions. I watched all the movies and after a couple months, placed my first order.
My first experience was miserable and incredible at the same time. The purge took on the significance of a reenactment of my original birth. Somehow, she blessed me with some parts of myself that had been lost at birth. She truly changed my life from that point. Then I had my first "Messianic" ayahuasca dream and that took a bit of integration there. Then there was the "hell" dream. And then there was "I am gonna die dream" That one was more recent than the others and was most likely attributed to high beta carboline dose along with very potent chaliponga. Now my dreams have a bit more congruency. I generally work with middle of the road doses as I set of rituals that i prefer to perform while in ceremony. I just contacted Ron Wheelock in Peru and will be going down there in November for the first time.
So, I am not sure, but if you are wondering why a dmt virgin would be extracting over a grams worth before even trying it? Two reasons. #1 I have known that i would be working with dmt ever since I started working with ayahuasca and especially after finding this forum over 6 months ago. #2 It was just more economic to order a kilo of mimosa and start with 200 grams of bark. Besides I really like mimosa as an ad mix and it was cool to work with her in a different way.
So anyway, I am pretty sure that I will have a lot more to say once I start smoking these crystals. I will keep you all posted
Thank you
So After reading the description of what the essay was all about, I thought I ought give a little more background about who I am and what I am doing here. I have had my experiences with lsd, salvia, mushrooms and of course, as I mentioned, ayahuasca. Ayahuasca has by far been the most therapeutic. But I must say that salvia has to be the most powerful anything I have ever experienced. It is like every time, no matter how much I prepare, the moment I put down the pipe I am right back where I left the time before, "completely baffled and in awe". Lower doses more drawn out have proven most beneficial when working with her.
I live in a spiritual community here on the west coast U.S. and I run an organic farm. My whole life is about plants. Teaching about plants and nature, plant husbandry, growing them, eating them, using them for medicine and sacrament as well. I was was a bit reticent about doing my first extraction until I started reading here. And I was quite pleased that the process was a lot more natural than I expected.
About a year ago, I was in a tough spot spiritually. I was aware that I had a bunch of sub conscious issues that were just kind of percolating under the surface and I just wanted them OUUT! At some point, I made a commitment to get to the bottom of some of these issues that appeared to be keeping me from moving in the direction I wanted to go in my life. About 3 days later, I heard Peter Gorman on the Art Bell show promoting His book, "ayahuasca in my blood" He described the experience in a no nonsense way that made it extremely attractive to me. So I got on Ayahuasca.com and started reading everything I could and asking questions. I watched all the movies and after a couple months, placed my first order.
My first experience was miserable and incredible at the same time. The purge took on the significance of a reenactment of my original birth. Somehow, she blessed me with some parts of myself that had been lost at birth. She truly changed my life from that point. Then I had my first "Messianic" ayahuasca dream and that took a bit of integration there. Then there was the "hell" dream. And then there was "I am gonna die dream" That one was more recent than the others and was most likely attributed to high beta carboline dose along with very potent chaliponga. Now my dreams have a bit more congruency. I generally work with middle of the road doses as I set of rituals that i prefer to perform while in ceremony. I just contacted Ron Wheelock in Peru and will be going down there in November for the first time.
So, I am not sure, but if you are wondering why a dmt virgin would be extracting over a grams worth before even trying it? Two reasons. #1 I have known that i would be working with dmt ever since I started working with ayahuasca and especially after finding this forum over 6 months ago. #2 It was just more economic to order a kilo of mimosa and start with 200 grams of bark. Besides I really like mimosa as an ad mix and it was cool to work with her in a different way.
So anyway, I am pretty sure that I will have a lot more to say once I start smoking these crystals. I will keep you all posted
Thank you