Rising Star
A madman has been studying the dark matter telescope for a while now, though he has never looked through it. The madman has decidely summoned 1lb of the pink and purple powder, and plans on doing a strait basic exploration of the mystical dye. The madman has had bouts of sleep paralasys with many similarities to what it believes others are describing when looking through the telescope. The madman provides this. I have had bouts of sleep paralysis most of my life, not knowing what it was. At around 17 or 18 I was listening to Art Bell, there was some newage hippie goober on talking about astal projection and such. Now noted I am down with exploring the multiverse inner and outer, I find most of these newagey ideas plain silly. Anyway he begins to talk about sleep paralisys, describing my symptoms, and that it is a recognized sleep disturbance. He the said something about his wife dreading the feeling, and described a method by which to awaken your body. Moving just one of your fingers or toes instead of trying to get up. He then begins describe a way to 'astraly project' using it as a vehical, talking about flying around his town and silly things such as that. It got me thinking that what he might be describing is a very lucid dream. The next few times I am struck, I chicken out and wake my self up, btw astralboy's escape button works like a charm. After a few escapes I get courageous and find that I can some what squirm, for lack of a better word, about. And when I do things begin to twist and warp and do things I can not put into words, this is not like fractals or breathing it's really hard to put into words. There are defenantly colors but for the life of me I could not tell you what they were, like colors that do not actually exist. It always seems like their is something/everything holding me in place, I can often turn my head and look around. The really strange thing is whether I destroy the world or just try to escape I can look around, but when the body wakes up I open my eyes. My eyes were never open, my head had never turned? Once after a particulary destructive dance with stimulants I had a bout of sleep paralysis I decided this time I would sit up while my body was still alseep. The something holding me in my body begain to take on an everything there is quality, and there were more than one of them, dont ask me how everything can be plural. I felt that they did not want me to see what was going on, at least not at this time. But I fought them and sat up with all my might. The normal 'roar' of waking up paralyzed went from deafening to, I can not possibly have the ability to hear this. And it was like a huge encompassing vortex or infinity, the closest way I can explain it is when the conquestidor drinks from the tree of life in "The Fountain" cept in hibbert space. This vortex is what makes it think in terms of the telescope, the place those go who do not buy the first class rocket tour. One major difference is that while many describe a ringing, it hears a roar. The madman plans to explore for itself, but others around it belive that the telescope will do nothing to them. The madman is somewhat worried about exposing those that think they can take anything to such a powerful magnification. Any thoughs on showing people the telescope who perhaps are not ready. The madman is not even sure it is ready, though it experimented heavily with other psycodelics and has experienced ego loss. The madman has concidered bringing the light to all those around it. The madman also worries that the telescope is calling it, like the toymaker's box, the madman hopes it remembers the lamanent configuration.