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Nexus Radio

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
What does the nexus have a bunch of? musicians
What does everyone in the nexus do? listen to music
Would it be possible to have a radio going on?

a) queue of songs (goes by which got recommended first) that anyone can add to/upload songs(if no DJ is available)
b) DJ: people can take turns DJing, mixing live, and/or playing their own stuff and take turns if others want to DJ as well
c) DJ's playing together to make a collab live mix
Awesome, so how do we do it?

I know nothing of internet radio broadcasting but it doesn't sound too complicated. How can all people contribute to the broadcasting?
acolon_5 said:

The biggest question is:

How much work for The Traveler is this going to be?

was thinking that...hmm...maybe someone can set it up and all trav has to do is add it to the coding...anyone?
There is also loudness & sound quality issues to think about.

With 10 different people mixing 10 different songs...you get 10 different levels of quality & 10 different loudness levels.

Radio stations & web radio goes through a broadcast limiter to help even out the loudness of each song to be the same.
But with independent recordings/mixing you are dealing with a lot of different levels of skill & that directly translates to quality.
You may have one mix done in a professional studio by someone who has been doing it 20 years & was professionally mastered & it sounds great. But the very next track might have been done by someone who just bought a computer & a DAW for $300 last week & is just playing around for fun.
Even independent web radio has certain quality levels that they have to stick to when accepting music to be played.

A Radio station/site is a bit more complicated than just a play list on somebody's home computer.

Then there is formatting...in the current world of digital audio there is no standard anymore & not all digital audio delivery formats are universally compatible. Usually not a problem if you have to most current computer with all the latest software, but there are plenty of people that are using a 5-10 year old computer for web-browsing.

Not saying it's a bad idea, just that there are a number of issues that need to be thought f & dealt with before you can just start steaming a radio station out onto the web.
And like Alcolon said, what you are suggesting means more programing work for Traveler, plus someone has to organize & deal with the content, when it's being played..and when it's not being played.

How about making web radio station of your own & linking to it from here...I'm sure Traveler would be happy to add something like that to the Nexus if it didn't he had to do all the work.
He is already keeping this site above & beyond all the others....that does take some work...ya know.

Although the idea is great, I'm afraid that adding a radio function effectively makes this place an internet radio station and for that you have to pay big time these days.

So until it's free again I have to decline this request. Sorry folks.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
The Traveler said:
Although the idea is great, I'm afraid that adding a radio function effectively makes this place an internet radio station and for that you have to pay big time these days.

So until it's free again I have to decline this request. Sorry folks.

Oh yea, then there is taxes & fees for that sort of thing!! CAn't compete with the big corporate radio stations & not pay for that.
And yes, big-radio/media considers a small "web radio" on a forum competition, because you are detracting possible listeners from there monopoly!
And advertisers follow the listeners.

benzyme said:

I love how it's called nexus radio lol

Was hoping more-so for a collab thing we could share with eachother that was simple and to help in SHEs(half the time in chat we're just posting youtube links)...hmm...would it be possible to setup a nexus podcast that anyone can take over? (knows nothing of this stuff) and yeah sound quality is a big thing, specially to those who have spent mucho time working and remastering their working, but so long as we got decent quality and can hear it together, will make a big difference from listening alone
In between songs I want to hear a charismatic voice telling me all the dmt-related news goin down around the world, latest developments, competitions, special guest debates...

"Gooood morning trippers you're listening to the silky smooth voice of the traveller, kickin back with some ambient groove, check out the half price sale on mimosa at FV this week....Nex-us-rrrADIOOO!"
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