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nice to meet here

Migrated topic.
I'm from brazil. I was born and lived a long time at rondônia, the cradle of UDV (an ayahuasca church). Recently i came to the southwest to study physics in college.

Hi for everyone :d

I stumbled on the NEXUS when searching by Ca-bufotenin explanations, and again when searching by soxhlets. Both times were very useful and i liked the high-level technical discussions.
Here the sources of DMT are abundant and easily accessible, but not the knowledge to extract it ( perhaps because for many the ayahoasca is a sacrament, "don't touch it with your malady chemistry" ). I thought it would be difficult, it would need a sophisticated laboratory. However several steps of the extractions are already made in preparing the baked DMT+MAOI we all do 8)

I translate and summarize your FAQ ( attached ), could publish it in national forums?


  • dmtfaq.pdf
    287 KB · Views: 0
Welcome to the Nexus!

Se quizer ajuda para traduzir para o português, eu já tinha pensado também em fazer isso, acho que os forums brasileiros se beneficiariam da informação. Mas acho que seria bom traduzir outras partes também.. Ainda tem muita informação errada por aí... Valeu pelo esforço de já ter feito isso! Legal ter mais alguem do brasa no forum :D

Back to english now hehe.. Yes you definitely do not need anything complicated to extract dmt, its not harder than, say, baking a cake. It seems now Sodium Hydroxide (soda caustica) is more controlled there, at least recently in a couple of places they were asking for ID, but it was still easy enough to buy. Alternatively you can extract using Calcium Hydroxide which is not controlled, doing a dry tek. Check the wiki for instructions of dry teks such as amor fati/q21.

I dont know how it is in rondonia to get something like naphtha or hexane/heptane, but I can give you a good cheap source for limonene:

So you can use this to extract like BLAB tek (check wiki) or q21/amorfati...

If there's any help you need, feel free to ask.

So now some questions I have for you: You mention ayahuasca, so have you been experimenting with that? Are you a member of UDV? What about other analogues such as mimosa+syrian rue?

See ya!
Legal ter mais alguem do brasa no forum
:shock: Que dahora! Supimposíssimo!! Minhas maiores dúvidas são sobre a disponibilidade de substâncias equivalentes no mercado nacional.
Viu que uma mulher no sul foi presa com DMT?

Ainda tem muita informação errada por aí
And who knows have no time to diffuse, argue and prove. Look to pt.wikipedia about the necessity of the strict dieting for ayahuasca:
Os IMAOs causam uma inibição que é irreversível e não-seletiva, pelo que bloqueiam a ação dos dois subtipos da enzima (MAO-A e MAO-B). Esta característica confere-lhes uma longa duração de ação, mas está também relacionada com os seus efeitos adversos, uma vez que a inibição não-selectiva (e irreversível) leva à acumulação e consequente toxicidade de vários dos subtratos da MAO, sobretudo a serotonina. Por este motivo, é muitas vezes necessária a instituição de uma dieta alimentar específica para reduzir o consumo de substratos da enzima.

Inibidor da monoamina oxidase – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
It isn't about natural MAOI, but have no distinction or specific topic about it and in MAOI herb's page the link point to pharmacologic MAOI.

1)have you been experimenting with that?
2) Are you a member of UDV?
3) What about other analogues such as mimosa+syrian rue?

Yes. the ceremony have several advantage:
* it's safe. Have nurse and monitors to help us.
* it's legal and no embarrassing
* it's cheap. The allowance is like 7$.

No. I left RO and now live in são paulo. There are only these ayahuasca sects around:
(is it fun, isn't?)

the ceremony have several disadvantage:
* The music suck
* There is only one kind of drink for everyone and for all doses. At first the concentrations of MAOI is OK, but the degradation rate of DMT is more than MAOI. Thus in subsequent shots it necessary less MAOI.
At the end of the night you're crying MAOI's tears.
* You can't drink all you can.

I prefer the analog. I've gotten best results with jurema preta and syrian rue.
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