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No "Hot plate"


Rising Star
I don't have a hot plate and was wondering if it was better to use a frying pan or an oven...

I find it suprising hot plate it the norm! as much as i'd love one :)
Swim saw a mini griddle at the store the other day. It was cheap, and had adjustable temp. Not sure if this would work.
be careful with ovens...because there was someone who was evaporating their IPA in the oven and the gas accumulated and kinda blew up..so be careful about that
Phlux- said:
how did u maintain the temps required for toasting with the door open endlessness ?

The first toast of the seeds themselves, the oven was closed. But then after mixing with sodium carbonate and also when evapping the IPA and toasting it, I kept the door half open, with a fan, because I was just a bit cautious, not wanting to make some explosion while IPA was still there, not so confident that the full heat would not be at all a problem for bufotenine and as well as wanting to get that horrible smell out and not stuck in the oven :D

I dont know what is the required temperature but the oven in the max (250 celcius I think) with the door half open was definitely enough for toasting it all and releasing the nasties
Just be very careful. Never ever ever ever think that you can get away with evaporating some flamable solvent on an open flame. Not even a tiny bit. One minuite it'll be fine, the next minuite WHOOSH, epic fireball in your kitchen.
So is that a "no" on the stove? I roasted my beans last night in my gas oven, but now I'm unsure of what to do next. I don't want my kitchen to be a giant fireball...
Tchan99 said:
So is that a "no" on the stove? I roasted my beans last night in my gas oven, but now I'm unsure of what to do next. I don't want my kitchen to be a giant fireball...

Yeah, especially an epic fireball.
I too have this problem as my entire stove in my apartment is gas powered and extremely old, which makes me nervous so I never operate with solvents anywhere near it. However I have found that my george forman grill :) or crock pot set to high possibly, can work as a poormans hotplate. That is my next investment though, a hotplate.....I can see it now....

at any rate, although I have not performed the bufo extraction but perhaps something like a george forman may be able to toast the seeds, especially if you put the top down on it. If you have one Tchan99 that might be something to try. Also if anyone thinks this is a bad idea, please let me know, but it seemed to be safer than the oven, perhaps less effective.
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