This thread's shifted gears quite a bit since it was opened. It started as a simple nontoxic extraction of chaliponga that ended in failure, but has mutated into a seemingly functional nontoxic tek for MHRB (possibly chaliponga, as well). The meat of this thread started here and developed into an experimental tek. The basic rundown of this is that a jar containing MHRB, lime, water and limonene can be fitted to a blender to accomplish pulverization, reaction and mixing all in one go and more effectively than any of those steps performed separately. The material can then be transfered to THP in order to thoroughly wash with limonene and collect it for salting w/ FASW.
Original OP:
Original OP:
SWIM's been working on this, and has decided to begin logging his results. So far for chaliponga:
-Lime doesn't seem to work well, and doesn't even produce heat.
-Sodium carbonate yielded a very minute amount of powdery tannish fumarate, but the reaction had perhaps not reached completion.
-The limonene passed through the sodium carbonate basified paste precipitated a blackish goo, perhaps something that a defat would have gotten rid of; never-the-less, a good sign that the sodium carbonate had managed to break down the plant material.
-SWIM hasn't performed acidification as of yet.
SWIM's ideas for the next 50g (depending on the results of the first):
-Soak the pulverized material in vinegar and incubate in a crock-pot and dry in a food dehydrator.
-Defat with limonene.
-Basify with sodium carbonate.