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NORML Breaking News: Marijuana Legalization Bills Introduced In Massachusetts!

Migrated topic.
Don't misinterpret this, as I am not only (a) 100% in favor of this legislation, (b) a member of NORML, and (c) planning on taking up residence in Boston if and when this bill passes, but I can only share a realistic perspective in this matter. http://www.cantaxreg.com/ . If one were to look deeply into the details of this legislation, one may begin to see what I maen concerning "realistic". Take Nevada, 2005 for example: http://leg.state.nv.us/73rd/bills/IP/IP3.pdf . So, to end on a neutral note, one may wonder: Is the U.S. gov't one "of the people, and for the people", or perhaps "of the government, and strictly pertaining to the best interest of the gov't"?
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