Elf I live in the the same general area as you, with warmer night tempertures, and a bit cooler in the day. Wild Phalaras grows all over here, and probably down by the rivers where you are. Peyote would do awsome in your area if you take it in at winter. I used to live much farther north and I grew four hundred peyotes and over a hundred Trichocereus peruvianus. All of which I keep until they were three years old and then sold. I toke them in at winter, they dont need much light, in fact the Trich's I just keep in the dark until spring. They wont grow of course, but they are after all a cactus and just go dormant until you put them out in the spring. Just keep them dry. Also you could look into russian olive which I believe contains dmt. You could probably get cuttings or root a few branches from someone there.