thanks for the advice. On the first pull, it was less than 2 hours with warm NP... Got almost completely white crystals, and yielded around .3%. The next pulls stayed in longer and longer, second was in there for 4-5 hours and 3rd pull was in there for over a day! Before each pull, the concoction was spun and swirled pretty damn hard at least 4-5 times!!!
What I noticed is no matter how hard you swirl it, if you do it uniformly, it will have little to no emulsions! This little technique worked AMAZINGLY in the past... Have yet to see anything less than off-white come out of it.
Now this bark is about a year old and is good quality. I dont think the age has anything to do with this problem though. It was packaged correctly. The only thing I can think of is the freezer but it seems to be working fine. Noticed possibly a tiny more floaters so Im not gonna give up on this pull!
What is the longest you let it sit in the freezer for you to get positive results?
This last pull is my last attempt on this particular one!!! I did what was advised and swirled the crap out of it for 5 minutes at a time and let it sit, and repreated.
Hey Tsehakla, why is it a bad idea to combine NP washes? Just before reading this, I litterally JUST combined the 2 jars of possibly nothing to free up a jar for this last pull.
thanks again!
PS- what are the rules here about sources? Can we speak of them or no? Ebay was my only place and as many of you may know, no more MHRB on Ebay