You should try the 1g/1g/15ml ratio - MHRB/Lye/water. Naptha is based on MHRB i.e 1g/1ml
When using larger amounts of MHRB > 100g then I would use a maximum of 100ml naptha per pull - it will take more pulls but you will have a better freeze precip without having to evap some of the naptha first. Once you have rfeeze precip'd then reuse the naptha for more pulls.
You should get at least 0.5% (up to 2% with a 1% average yield) unless your bark is bunk.
I did a freeze precipitation and yielded about .8 of snow. That was the third pull, I can only imagine how much I missed from the first two. The bark is not bunk! :twisted:
you won't have missed anything, either evapped or precipp'd, if its in the naptha, it'll come out either way. so I can't explain why it wasn't in the first two pulls, probably the base hadn't had enough time to react, especially if your bark was shredded and not powdered.
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