I've had good experience with Nutmeg.
Actually, just registered on the forum to leave this comment.
It has produced the longest effect than any substance I ever consumed, nutmeg has lasted over a week.
Maybe because I actually consumed a lot, didn't expect anything from it, just kept eating whole nuts in a period of a few hours, personally enjoying its taste.
Also grated some nuts, and mixed with black pepper, and white kratom, and coconut oil, wrapped into a foil and made protein bars to share with friends.
Initially, it surprised me with extremely enjoyable feeling, like being swallowed into black hole, which lasted just a couple minutes but was worth it.
Then I went to sleep and didn't eat for a few days, just slept a lot.
After few days, still didn't feel my body, got used to trust its automatic movements, used as an opportunity to eat some spiciest food I can't handle normally.
After a week, went outside to socialize, found myself way more communicative than normally, maybe because didn't feel any pressure on my vocal cords, and heard my voice just with my ears same way others hear it, and still had very distorted perception of space and dimensions.
Maybe will eat some more again before doing longer dry fasting, to dissolve hunger with all body sensations, also making eggnog with raw milk, raw eggs and a little bit of nutmeg.