Heya Shroom,
I had this problem earlier this season. I've got about 100 cactus to take care of and needed a ton of soil and nutes. I think intuitively it feels better to me to get your nutrients from quality soil instead of adding stuff. Sort of builds up a natural microclimate that does more good then feeding them once in a while. If it does turn out that one of them is dire need of nutes, I can mix up a batch of compost tea and that really does the trick.
Anyway, if your interested in trying this. I gathered up tons of coffee grounds from local coffee shops and a ton of rabbit compost/bedding. The coffee gets things hot enough to kill off bad stuff and then mellows out in a couple weeks making a perfect environment for the good microbes your lookin for(depending on what you put in, it will take about a month of sitting in the sun for the compost to cool down to the point where you can use it safely). Then I just add dirt from the garden...the best you have around, but doesnt really matter, more of just a filler because there are so many nutes in the coffee and rabbit droppings, and you'll be creating a whole new microclimate anyway. Ideally, while this is "mellowing" in the sun, add kitchen scraps. Anything that breaks down quick and isn't meat, fat, bones, oil, or general nastiness. Stick with fruit and veggie scraps to be safe. I couldn't be happier with his regimen. I get about 2 feet of growth per year!
Good luck! I'll be interested in hearing how things go.