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O silly virgin of extracts

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
OG Pioneer
In intentions of 100% purity, 10% simplicity, and 1% lack of extensive chemical knowledge, my entheogenic journeys have been "purist." Clean water Aya brews... and eventually... when I could wrap my mind around it... totally green changa techniques.

I've never touched an extract. I'm an extract virgin. I've never had any ethnobotanical adventure with extracts of any kind...

But in interest of changa, I did acquire a tiny, tiny bit of 20x Caapi extract for the sake of experimentation. I am curious, though, since it's... umm... just gritty stuff in a little vial, basically. Can I dissolve this in IPA and evap onto leaf? Is it that simple?

I do have mixed feelings about extracts, since I can't be as involved with the process as with whole materials. That's why I prefer pounding whole vine for hours vs. popping some shredded on the stove. But, I think it would take a long time and a hell of an appetite for oranges to press my own d-limo, so... I'd like to see where taking a higher harmala concentration goes in comparison to dried Aya leaves... at least once.

The wicked blog posted by Dorge has inspired me to take on the challenge of a viney companion in hopes that she may drop a few leaves as presents, ideally... but in the meantime... thanks. :)
I dont order extracts either..im not really even keen on drinking pharma..not over ayahuasca.

For changa I just make my own caapi tincture that I evap onto a leaf base of wild harvested herbs I collect.
Thanks miss... glad you approve, and will be growing some vine.

your extract will work... if you wanted to you could just soak caapi in a mother liquor ie some ethanol or high proof vodka and let it soak for a month and do the same thing... or use leaf... but thats an extract, and yes just evap onto leaf.
SWIM thinks its wonderful your going green with the process.
^ to be fair, anytime you brew coffee or tea, you have done an extraction.

Same for Caapi (leaf or vine), you're extracting it by boiling it. IF you simply removed the water, you have an extract.

But yes, IPA should work fine. Dissolve in a small amount of 91% or higher IPA and then let evap on chosen leaf. A small desktop fan will speed up evap time by 100% or so.

Best of luck!!!!
I just have a big jar full of shredded caapi and powdered passionflower leaf that I add iso to..and I jsut add more caapi to the previous stuff every time I use the iso becasue the old caapi will still give out some alkaloids when I add more iso..

Then I make changa.
how is that combo with the passion flower? is the passion flower pretty sedating and stoney.
Gracie and Zarkov had some original experiments with just a passion flower extract, the original predecessors to changa actually! They reported that the pasion flower gave the voice phenomena but it left them feeling very stoned and it had after effects that lasted a few days... which might just have been them who knows... but they said the after effects where not as pleasent as smoking rue, or vine extract. THEY NEVER HAD LEAF!!!
I don't know about extracts (HA), but I have a Passionflower that lives with me. I have some flowers she gave me last summer (I dehydrated them), and they are definitely calming and relaxing, but not stoning in their natural presence.

I also always mix them with Aya leaves, though, so who knows! :)
To get passion flower to work as a MAOI (which IT can) you really have to concentrate it a lot...
At that point it can have real sleepy side effects.
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