Rising Star
I would like to offer my thanks to all who make this site possible. I have been lurking as a guest for a few weeks, and I have been impressed by both the quality of the information available here, and the decorum of the community.
My interests in the value of entheogens as tools for learning have been dormant for many years, but go back to my reading of Huxley, Burroughs and McKenna in High School. I was lucky to have several very positive experience in my youth that showed me the interconnection of all things, and taught me respect for the natural world.
All of my investigations back then involved psilocybin and lsd, and I have long since realized that these molecules have taught me all they can. I am very greatful for these lessons, as I feel they have made me a more complete person.
Lately, I have found myself very interested in the experiences of SWIM especially in regards to ayahuasca. As I continue to explore the resources this site provides, I hope to contribute to SWIM's lexicon in any way that I can.
SWIM has recently ordered some yellow caapi, and is thinking of the possibility of a THP extraction for SWIM's introduction to the vine. Although SWIM's investigations are many weeks in the future, SWIM looks forward to sharing the experience with the community.
My interests in the value of entheogens as tools for learning have been dormant for many years, but go back to my reading of Huxley, Burroughs and McKenna in High School. I was lucky to have several very positive experience in my youth that showed me the interconnection of all things, and taught me respect for the natural world.
All of my investigations back then involved psilocybin and lsd, and I have long since realized that these molecules have taught me all they can. I am very greatful for these lessons, as I feel they have made me a more complete person.
Lately, I have found myself very interested in the experiences of SWIM especially in regards to ayahuasca. As I continue to explore the resources this site provides, I hope to contribute to SWIM's lexicon in any way that I can.
SWIM has recently ordered some yellow caapi, and is thinking of the possibility of a THP extraction for SWIM's introduction to the vine. Although SWIM's investigations are many weeks in the future, SWIM looks forward to sharing the experience with the community.