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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer

in the spirit of my 1,000th post, i decided to take a giant leap forward in my life in the here and now.

i asked Ms. Munki to marry me this morning.... :shock:

i won't tell you what she said....but i WILL give you a hint: three letter word. starts with a Y, ends with an S.


Congratulations Ant! That's incredible news! Best wishes to you both as you continue along your cosmic journey.

peace and love
Congratulations to both of you. Swim had an excellent cactus experience yesterday bonded with a lot of his family like he hasnt before and him and his girlfriend and going to start trying for baby, feel great today! Just realised so many things last night it was amazing! :d

My heart over flows with happiness for you my brother, you two are so precious. All my love to you both...


Much Love and Compassion
joy and happiness to you fine, fine people - a bold step forward in your lives, in love.

Jorkest said:
congrats mr and mrs trocles!

hehehehe ... genius :lol:

btw you do realise we're all coming to the wedding, right?

big love
Congrats Ant!
Did that over 34 years ago....then had kids...now grandkids....
Would I do it again? Doesn't matter if I say I dunno because it just is.
You go forward with positive intent on what feels really right and don't look back, only forward.
Trust your feelings.
this is really beautiful! Joyful to hear the commemoration for this vehicle of love the two of you are building together!
Congratulations ANTROCLES!!!!!!!

I'd have to agree with everybody here.. what a happy day for you and the nexus!!


Much much much love bestowed on your beautiful future together!
I've been so busy trading insults all day over in the Hyperspace Tavern that I haven't had a chance to stop in here and pay my heartfelt respects.

Congratulations, most excellent friend. Can't wait for the bachelor party!
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