the quotes I've used so far are:
"Our normal waking conscious-
ness, rational consciousness as
we call it, is but one special
type of consciousness, whilst all
about it, parted from it by the
filmiest of screens, there lie po-
tential forms of consciousness
entirely different."
-William James
"The only way of discovering the
limits of the possible is to ven-
ture a little way past them into
the impossible"
-Arthur C. Clarke
"DMT is a mirror. What one
sees when they peer into that
mirror is a personal reflection,
a reflection only relative to the
one peering in. And how they
deal with that reflection is up to
-fractal enchantment
"DMT can’t supply enlightenment anymore than any-
thing else; all it does is offer up to the user a radically
alien perspective. What you do with that in the af-
termath is strictly up to you. Just like traveling to
India, falling in love, surviving a plane crash, etc.
- these things alone won’t transform who you are;
they can, however, serve as catalysts toward growth
and transformation. You can call it divinity or call it
a con, but I choose to see it as a mirror. The experi-
ence is nothing more or less than that which I bring
to the table. I am both the creator and passenger.
It’s me scrambled up and thrown back at me."
- Art Van D’lay
Exploring Hyperspace:
"If I have a headache, I have a headache. It doesnt
matter if the explanation is dilating blood ves-
sels in my brain, or muscle spasms in my shoul-
ders, or stress, or psychological distress, or invisi-
ble demons pounding mallets on my brain. We dont
call some headaches headaches and others apparent
headaches. There is no such thing as an apparent
Likewise, a mystical experience is defined as such
based on the characteristics of the experience, not
the source or explanation of the experience. So
whether the source is outside or inside, whether we
explain the experience in mechanistic terms or not,
it is still a mystical experience. There is no such
thing as an apparent mystical experience."
"Psychedelic experience is only a glimpse of gen-
uine mystical insight, but a glimpse which can
be matured and deepened by the various ways
of meditation in which drugs are no longer nec-
essary or useful. If you get the message, hang
up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply
instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and
telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye
permanently glued to the microscope, he goes
away and works on what he has seen."
-Alan Watts
If you have any other suggestions, let me know