Hey Enoon here is that info you requested.
LSA Info:
LSA is a mid-duration psychedelic entheogen that lasts about 6-10 hours. The experience varies greatly on how the entheogen is consumed whether it is in the form of raw seeds or extracted. The exact nature of the LSA experience is debated, as experiences vary with each person. LSA tends to produce a dreamlike state with mild to significant visions and can be accompanied by euphoria, sedation, nausea, and vasoconstriction. Raw LSA containing seeds tend to bring on much more of the side-effects than cleaned extracts. Peppermint oil is often combined with LSA extracts leading to a more positive experience, though the exact mechanism for this phenomenon is unknown. Some believe it to be the formation of LSH, an unstable lysergic compound more closely resembling LSD, though this topic is hotly disputed.
LSA can be found in nature from multiple sources. It has been found in Morning Glories, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Ololiuqui, Sleepy Grass, and in Ergot. LSA has a long history of use in Mexico as the visionary intoxicant Ololuiqui.
Low - Decreased reaction, appears distracted/spaced out.
Medium - Decreased reaction, decreased sociability, appears spaced out, confusion, pupil dialation.
High - Slow reaction, decreased sociability, appears dissociated, confusion, pupil dialation, tiredness, restlessness.
Low - Feeling relaxed, altered thinking, slight visual glow.
Medium - Feeling relaxed or sedated, altered thinking, visual alterations and glow, auditory alterations.
High - Feeling relaxed and sedated, dissociated dreamspace, altered thinking, visual patterns/distortions/phenomena, auditory alterations, oneness with the universe.