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Ok Ok i found it

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
i Found it the thing that could pull a not in mysterious ways response from ya All

Ok weve got all these Flat earth videos about people bringing massive work
on Flat earth reserarch , Now could you show any
Sim internet Videos
that would prove that a bit after 56K network started laying
Sim card phones were released
and the possibility of wide network on high speed were suppressed
not to promote futuristic high speeds but the sale of unnecessary cables

and bring this on
Why limited internet on SIM cards?
Is is really overload issues that promt cash worry on costumers to avoid massive use?
if not
how back massive data could be used without worry?
i mean i know some WIFI that still bring Delay on internet calls aginst overcharged calls
so calls^stream%wifistream÷past×future+cash%why+when=
any answer wouldnt really matter to the fact big corp what ya gonna do,,,
still... if it is as like that
flat earth ?
whats that gonna change
i know most is lies
tough bring some corp price to daily life lies
ya know aye mean?
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