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oldsoul introduction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Everyone!!!

I am grateful to find this forum, and I look forward to gather and discuss information on extraction! I work in horticulture, so I was very happy to just now learn, upon reading the introductory material, that this community includes information on cultivating plants as well. Learning how to grow plants in the house that I can extract from is a huge bonus!!! While my extraction experience is nonexistent, I can contribute insight from many years of growing different plants.

Anyway, I am a long-time, avid explorer of psychedelics, starting almost 20 years ago and including LSD, mescaline, psilocybe cubensis, and MDMA, but I have only been introduced to dmt about 1 1/2 years ago. A friend of mine had some, and he had me take 4 big pulls from a pipe as quickly and held as long as I could. I got blasted from my body within seconds and had the most amazing experience. From what I have read of others reports, I didn't blast off even close to as far as what is possible, but it had a huge impact on me.

When I had that first dmt trip I'd been studying Eastern philosophies and meditating every day for about a year. I don't know how much influence was from that and how much influence was from dmt, but the combination of both things planted a seed in me that is still evolving. I had one other good blast off since that first time (I wasted a lot trying to smoke it with weed), and the main thing I've been shown so far, is that we are all one. One human race, one planet, one Consciousness, one Universe. The sum total of minds in the Universe equals one. We've all heard the saying "we are one" in some form or another, but only recently I've begun to grasp it, and live it, through greater compassion and empathy both for other people and for the planet itself.

I have never been an environmentalist, I drive V8s and dirt bikes, and I've never protected the planet aside from doing normal recycling, not littering or wasting resources, etc, but the weird thing is right after that first dmt trip I had a huge urge to visit the amazon and start to try to do what I can to save the rainforest. I haven't acted on it, but I have definitely been more aware and keeping up on what is happening and what we are losing there. I've always been kind of a "receiver" of psychic information, and it may sound crazy but I definitely believe the plant spirit called out to me with a distress signal. And I have really been driven ever since to experience and learn more.

I will end this introduction essay with my favorite quote from Einstein:

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty.

Thank you!!!!!! :D
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