It's similar to the machine and the lightbulb.
Takes minimal modifications though, so it's still inconspicuous after done, if kept clean.
Itens: test tube, 1ml pipete and piece of silicone tube.
The only thing to do is break the pipete tip enough to fit inside the test tube, after that put the tip under gentle fire to soften the broken glass on that spot.
Cut a piece of aquarium silicone tube about the size of the test tube.
It's done.
I like it because the flame won't touch the spice, also the hot vapor pushed through the pipete will cool down a bit, because of the air entering the tube around it.
It's a dolar worth, test it out!
Takes minimal modifications though, so it's still inconspicuous after done, if kept clean.
Itens: test tube, 1ml pipete and piece of silicone tube.
The only thing to do is break the pipete tip enough to fit inside the test tube, after that put the tip under gentle fire to soften the broken glass on that spot.
Cut a piece of aquarium silicone tube about the size of the test tube.
It's done.
I like it because the flame won't touch the spice, also the hot vapor pushed through the pipete will cool down a bit, because of the air entering the tube around it.
It's a dolar worth, test it out!