Rising Star
Everyone seems to sneer at conduction vaping, but that's because we're usually talking about plant matter that will be unevenly heated.
I'm imagining dissolving a high quality freebase in ethanol, dropping it onto a warm metal disc with high surface area (ie highly etched) to spread the material evenly and evaporate the solvent. This disc would be atop some kind of PWM fired nichrome coil for heating.
The disc assembly would screw onto a standard beverage bottle that could be modified to work like a gravity bong. Ie, filled with water and drained as heat is applied.
Since the amount of material, the mass of the copper disk, and the airflow (and assuming room temperature air input) would all be known, it could be possible to control it all open loop, meaning a really simple electronic design (no need for temperature feedback)
The promise is that with a properly calibrated system, you could inhale any reasonable dose of DMT in one hit. Also, you could be confident in the precision of your dosing (assuming good starting material). This method might even reduce the amount of DMT needed for the same effects since it would all be ingested at once.
The ideal candidate metal from a construction point of view would be copper. Copper can be etched with a high level of fine detail by the home enthusiast (ie for electronic PCBs), with very little effort, although some startup costs. It's also a great conductor of heat, and resistant to alkaline substances. I've read about concerns of using it for smoking because of various toxic compounds that could form, but I'm not sure that that would happen at this low of temperature. What sorts of compounds might form between DMT and the patina etc. that might be dangerous?
Other possibilities might be brass, or gold plating copper.
I'm imagining dissolving a high quality freebase in ethanol, dropping it onto a warm metal disc with high surface area (ie highly etched) to spread the material evenly and evaporate the solvent. This disc would be atop some kind of PWM fired nichrome coil for heating.
The disc assembly would screw onto a standard beverage bottle that could be modified to work like a gravity bong. Ie, filled with water and drained as heat is applied.
Since the amount of material, the mass of the copper disk, and the airflow (and assuming room temperature air input) would all be known, it could be possible to control it all open loop, meaning a really simple electronic design (no need for temperature feedback)
The promise is that with a properly calibrated system, you could inhale any reasonable dose of DMT in one hit. Also, you could be confident in the precision of your dosing (assuming good starting material). This method might even reduce the amount of DMT needed for the same effects since it would all be ingested at once.
The ideal candidate metal from a construction point of view would be copper. Copper can be etched with a high level of fine detail by the home enthusiast (ie for electronic PCBs), with very little effort, although some startup costs. It's also a great conductor of heat, and resistant to alkaline substances. I've read about concerns of using it for smoking because of various toxic compounds that could form, but I'm not sure that that would happen at this low of temperature. What sorts of compounds might form between DMT and the patina etc. that might be dangerous?
Other possibilities might be brass, or gold plating copper.