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oral salvia divinorum with ayahuasca?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I know it's "not orally active".

I read on another forum from a seemingly experienced ayahuasquero said it opened up the lines of communication with the salvia dimension. He may or may not have been telling the truth, but the combo's caught my interest for a while. Smoking both together is another beast entirely, the question is with combining it for the long and smooth ride of ayahuasca. A quid, fresh or dry, would be a good way to start to know what to look for (as far as what to expect from experiencing both). I don't have a live plant, I haven't really enjoyed dry quids, and this is further down on my admixtures-to-try list, so I'm broadcasting here.

Has anyone tried salvia as an admixture to the brew?
the combo did not really do much for swim... every ones different though.. swim is not very salvia sensitive though...
I´ve been informed by a trusted friend experienced with ayahuasca that when he has chewed a few salvia leaves while on an aya journey, with a known dose of vine & admixture, that he has received some very specific teachings about plant based healing.
Made me even more interested in trying this myself sometime soon..
I want to try it but need to get the courage!...i know there is someone on the aya forums who said he worked with a shaman in peru who does quid a low dose right before drinking aya..and that he views it as a sort of mint tobacco..and that the same can done before yopo...
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