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Ordered Some Caapi Leaf


Rising Star
I don't get a lot from smoking caapi alone to be honest.

With 1:1 changa I don't think a diet is necassary. I smoked a gram of 20x 1:1 caapi with a friend and we each had some pretty fierce headaches the next day which was the same headache I got one time I had some oral harmalas after a rather gross fatty meal and a beer.

Funny about all this MAOI diet and spicey food, as I've had some really great pharmahuasca experiences eating some Thai Pad Prig Soad ;) Delcious! Nice light spicey food of course though.
I've never had trouble with smoked harmalas, regarding diet. I believe this is because:
smoked MAOI = MAO inhibition in lungs = potentiation of smokables


oral MAOI = MAO inhibition in stomach = potentiation of eatables


MAO inhibition in lungs + tyramine in eatables = no problem

I could be wrong, but I remember reading this mentioned on the Nexus at some point in time. If you smoked tyramine, then you might have a problem. Regardless, subjectively I've NEVER had complications from smoked harmalas. I'm surprised you didn't find MAOI diet info anyway, there's tons of it around. And for the record, spicy isn't a problem, you just need to avoid anything with decayed proteins (tyramine), meaning overripe fruit, cheese, preserved meat, most traditionally preserved foods (i.e. dried or fermented) foodstuffs. Alcohol and caffeine are to be avoided or taken in careful moderation.

You might want to try a higher starting changa dose, though... make a bigger batch (like 100-200mg total) and then experiment from there. Unless you are a very skilled GVG user, 30mg of changa isn't going to go far at all. If I want to test a blend by making a small batch I usually make a half gram or so.

As for the pot... plain caapi isn't going to make a HUGE difference, but I can see it making a good blunt addition. Probably just go half and half or so, see what you think. Plain leaf isn't too crazy by itself, you have lots of room to experiment. If you wanted a major caapi contribution, it'd be better with a 10x extract. A 1:1 blunt with 10x caapi and ganja... that would be something else entirely.
both are harmala based..

Smoking caapi leaf doesnt do much. Extract is better..if you weant a 30 minute peak, take oral DMT and maoi..changa will make it longer, and change the nature of it somewhat..but a 30 minute peak is pushing it..

Changa is more than just an extended DMT trip.
But if I'm not going to get effects because it's not an extract form, then I'd rather cancel the order I have already made.

1: This is not necessary. Also, listen to fractal's words. Changa is more than an extended DMT trip. Also know that plain caapi leaves seem to potentiate DMT much more effectively than they potentiate non-tryptamines. Plain caapi leaf is a good starting place for changa; you WILL notice the difference. And it is worthwhile; vaping plain spice these days seems pointless to me when I can make changa.

2: You have spice, so I assume you have some chemical knowledge. Making your own caapi extract from the leaves you ordered is EASY AS SPIT and will be oodles cheaper than buying an extract. Just soak x amount of leaves in your solvent of choice, then, after a couple days or a week or what have you, you will have caapi-enhanced solvent. Pour the solvent on some caapi leaf and let it evaporate... there you have your extract. Adjust the ratios to make the appropriate concentration (i.e. put evap 10g worth of caapi-enhanced solvent on 1g caapi to make 10x). And, hell, you can even just skip the last step and instead use your caapi-enhanced solvent to mix your changa with.

This is also worthwhile; one medium hit on a GVG with 1:1 spice:10x caapi changa will usually give the most amazing OEVS...

3: Caapi sure is harmala based. But it has a different proportion of harmalas than rue does. It also has THH (tetrahydroharmine), which I believe rue doesn't have (correct?) and which really makes caapi special-- as you will see.
Well I planned on making a half gram with caapi leaf and DMT.

Half gram of each that is.

Are you saying it's best not to?

I just heard that caapi plus DMT does change the experience and lengthen it slightly so I decided to get some.

How do I take it orally? Is there any preparation I have to do before doing so?

I still want to make smokable changa and not take it orally if that's possible.

Would you agree that weed and caapi is NOT worth it? Any additional effects, even if slight, are worth having an experience with IMO.

I love experiences of all sorts.
Nope, I was saying it's best not to cancel your order. Make your gram of changa!

It does lengthen the experience. It does make it more beautiful, and MUCH more guided.

When you get onto oral use, you have entered the realm of aya- or pharmahuasca, and should check in on those subforums (note the aya sticky "All About Aya <3"). They have the information you seek on that front... But if you don't want to take anything orally, then you certainly don't have to. Make some changa, smoke it. Everything will be good from there.

And ganja+caapi will certainly be a different experience, it just won't be ridiculous. I think it'd be a good idea just because it'd make the blunt go farther with less weed, and caapi is a pleasant smoke. When load I do smoke ganja with pals, we usually load a couple of bowls of caapi. I mean, it doesn't hurt to smoke them together. And caapi leaf is inexpensive.
Yeah that's the beauty of it.

11 bucks for 28 grams is not bad at all in my book.

Thanks for the information you guys.

And I know it's more than just extending it, I am in DMT for knowledge in all forms. The entities told me come back whenever, just be smart about it.

I might sound like a guy who does these for fun, but I wish you knew the experiences I have had with the spice. Completely life changing trips beyond the realm of my identity personality. It's always going to be fun for me, but it's only fun because I can learn more. Knowledge is the best part of existence.

By the way, the word "happen" when you think about it on DMT is BEYOND BELIEF where it takes you. THat's what we do... we make things happen. We, in physical reality, get to experience the concept of "happen" and that's part of the reason we're on this planet.

I'm writing a trip report soon capturing about 50 experiences within it.

Is there a spirituality sub-forum here? I want to talk about my relationship with spirituality, tripping, and my new lifestyle.

Love to all
Angel_Above said:
Is there a spirituality sub-forum here?

Take a look around man.

With regards to smoking caapi and weed, sounds like a waste. Keep the caapi for changa.

If one wants to smoke a bowl of caapi leaf before blastoff with DMT, that will work nicely too.

Ive never followed any specific diet when smoking changa, so no need to go all overboard with diet, you will be finem, just watch the meds and other drugs.
The reason why diet doesn't effect Aya/Harmala as much is because its not a true MAOI...rather its a RIMA. A reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase (MAO) with preference for MAO-A. The fact that it is reversible means that its not as bad in terms of tyramine poisoning. True MAOIs like the pharmaceuticals are.
Well Banana, you said "I believe that it only potentiates smokeables"

but I have been taking 5 htp daily for some time now, would I still be able to smoke the caapi?

When it comes to brain health, I'd prefer 100% solid answers. Not trying to put you down, just saying that I don't want to risk it.

I also want to make some caapi leaf extract, but what solvent will work? A post on this forum said menstruum but all I have is naphtha.

I plan to put 10 grams of caapi with enough naphtha to cover it (Assuming this tek will work) and let it sit for 2 weeks, and then what do I do with the leaf? Is the leaf without all the harmala alkaloids at this point and I'm to take out the solvent?

I'm not sure if I put the naphtha on top of new caapi leaf along with DMT to make changa (no rice cooker so I'll just put it in a bowl and let it evap with a fan and pantyhose covering it so no dust gets in). Or would I take the leafs out of the naphtha and let them dry, then put them in a bowl with IPA 70+ or acetone (maybe even naphtha but that's a long evaporation) with the DMT and there's my changa?

And with everything here I'm getting mixed reviews. You say caapi leaf doesn't do much (fractal) yet a post in this subforum speaks of a guy who had great experiences with caapi and DMT and how it changed the nature of the experience.

Compared to just smoking DMT by itself, using your own experiences, what does Caapi leaf do? Lengthen, intensify, slow down the onset, etc.
Menstruum is simply the name of any solvent that has been used to remove the goodies from the indicated material.
Naphtha is a poor solvent for this purpose...it takes incredibly long to evaporate as you mentioned. Acetone and IPA are both ideal.

The concept is that soaking the caapi in the solvent will exhaust the leaf of its actives. After the soak, the solids are disposed of. Everything you want is in the solvent, which will enhance anything added to the menstruum as it evaporates.

Caapi lengthens and energizes the experience. It's the traditional additive in consuming DMT and has a soul of its own.
For me caapi adds a spirtual connection to nature. It feels as if a spirit of ayahuasca is with me helping and guiding me. Not always but more often than not. It changes it for the better IMO. The afterglow seems much longer. Also its not like spice where if you don't get where you wanna be you have to start over. You can smoke it hit after hit for hours if you'd like and build up to a breakthrough. A good changa blend can't be beat IMO. Also get some pau d'arco. It is sold as tea at health food stores. Infuse some of it with your changa for some nice effects. the possibilities are endless so explore changa admixtures. Who know what wonderful mix you will find. Swim uses 91% IPA for his extracts.

Goodluck and safe journeys
IPA/acetone/everclear can be used to make a 10x/20x/40x ala Dorje. Some just take longer to evap, but there is no hurry when making a Changa blend, the waiting will pay off:) Even just plain caapi leaf infused with DMT has alot of magic.
After the leaf has been siting in the solvent for like say, 3 weeks, take out the leaf, throw it away, then evap the solvent onto a gram or 2 of leaf and DMT. There might be alot of chlorophyll to deal with.

Not sure about this 5htp that you talk of, what is it?

Caapi leaf Changa takes me to a very subteranian place, in the earth kinda feeling. Sometimes I feel it lacks in the colorfull department(other blends dont), but makes up for it in length, experince, grounding, guidance, gentleness, depth, love and afterglow.
Every now and then I like to vape some freebase, and each time im so amazed at the difference that there is. It comes on so hard and fast with freebase.

The beauty of the changa is that one could inhale a full dose in one inhalation, maybe a small second on to clear the bowl. As hyperspacing said, you can rip small cones and build it up to the depth that you want to go to. What I like to do though is, predose with like say half of my breakthrough amount, wait a few minutes, then hit the full dose. The effects come on sooo fast I nearly always get suprised.

Happy Changa making dude:)

5 htp is a supplement I have taken for preloading rolls, and this worried me "When combined with MAOIs or SSRIs, 5-HTP can cause acute serotonin syndrome."

source: 5-Hydroxytryptophan - Wikipedia

Get over the fact it's a wiki source lol don't be like my professors.

I just got 91 % IPA and plan to let it sit for 2 weeks to make 10x, and in the meantime also making a 1:1 changa blend of dmt and caapi leaf (non-extract).

I wish to thank each and every one of you individually for your contributions and allowing me to enjoy what I enjoy!
Angel_Above said:
5 htp is a supplement I have taken for preloading rolls, and this worried me "When combined with MAOIs or SSRIs, 5-HTP can cause acute serotonin syndrome."

source: 5-Hydroxytryptophan - Wikipedia

Smoked harmalas are very effective, so with that said, id lay off the 5htp for a few days before you smoke the changa, just to er on the causion side.
Also taking a few pills filled with molly today, so I probably won't smoke the MAOI then. Ecstasy and MAOI - no go for me.

THanks for the info, because someone told me I'd be fine, yet I'm guessing I won't be 100% fine lol.
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