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Other applications of FASW in Limo

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM is interested in bufo, and would like to make use of some of the recent discoveries made by Jorkest with Limonene and FASW.

Bufotenine, if SWIM recalls correctly, is insoluble in limonene unless the limonene is heated. So, what SWIM has been thinking about is the possibility of basifying the grounded seeds with calcium hydroxide + water, drying, and then putting this into a french press. Put press on the stove, add some limonene, heat it up, and stir. The freebase bufo would move into the limonene, and the limonene could be pressed out into a funnel, through a cotton filter, and into a collection jar. Adding FASW to the hot limonene and allowing it to cool should result in the bufo crashing out of the limo and into the FASW layer, where it would be converted to a fumarate salt, no need to stir.

Now, all of this is based on the assumption that freebase bufo is soluble in acidified water, information SWIM collected from this erowid post, starting at paragraph 5.

SWIM would like to know if this sounds like something that would be worth a try, or if it would most likely fail. SWIM likes the idea of not having to use acetone for a fumarate conversion, and thinks this tech, though young, has already yielded some very promising results for spice.

SWIM would also be interested in the application of this sort of technique for other substances, possibly cacti.
Well bufotenin is freely soluble in any dilute acidic solution. But realize its not a freebase when its in acidic solution its ionized. Hence why its soluble.

But yea SWIM is not used to these kitchen techniques so SWIM can't really give you much more advise other then the above. But don't really see any real reason why it wouldn't work. Not sure if it would work better or worse then another method.

Adding FASW to the hot limonene and allowing it to cool should result in the bufo crashing out of the limo and into the FASW layer, where it would be converted to a fumarate salt, no need to stir.

Do you mean FASA in water? If so then rememeber one needs to get rid of the water.
Hey, I had a thought bouncing around in the back of my head the other day & this seems the place to pose it.

I have a jar of a very strong Ayahuasca brew sitting in the back of my fridge.
It is a combo of 90%Chacruna/10%Chaliponga & it is fairly high in B.Caapi too.
(all plants are tested & known to be of the highest quality!!)

So I was wondering if I could do an extraction of this brew, using D-Limonene plus FASA or FASW & hope to pull out, not only the DMT-alkaloid blend, but also the blend of Harmalas, in one fail swoop?

I know there are some people that would see this as disrespectful of the vine & the spirit of Ayahusca. but I tell ya, since having experienced Pharmahuasca using all three Harmalas, I don't feel that way anymore.
When using all three HArmalas, the whole spirit of the vine is there, but cleaner & more focused!! Ayahuasca of the future, if you will!
In fact I might say that the idea came to me while coming back to earth after my last Pharma experience, using the Jungle Spice-Fumarate, Pulled using the D-Limo/FASW tek.
So one might say the spirit of Aya told me to try this.:?:

But...I'm no one's chemist...is this even a feasible idea, solvent-polarity wise?
Or could these teks at least be used to extract Harmalas from S.Rue and/or B.Caapi?


warrensaged said:
I know there are some people that would see this as disrespectful of the vine & the spirit of Ayahusca. but I tell ya, since having experienced Pharmahuasca using all three Harmalas, I don't feel that way anymore.

Yeah, but SWIM doesn't understand how boiling the plants in acid water or just water is any less disrespectful (except in terms of tradition). Still involves solvents and/or reagents. Don't get SWIM wrong, he thinks it's great to be able to extract with nothing but water--it's handy and cheap--but if one's got the materials to extract it more purely, why not?

SWIM would love to try something like SWIY's idea, WS, but it would be hard to gauge whether the doses will be even or not in terms of their alkaloid ratios. However, if one were to extract from each individual dose separately, it would probably work quite well. Do harmaloid fumarates crystallize? If not, SWIY may as well just use vinegar.

Oh yeah, they do solidify. That's how harmala red came about (but with acetone and ethanol).
amor_fati said:
Yeah, but SWIM doesn't understand how boiling the plants in acid water or just water is any less disrespectful (except in terms of tradition). Still involves solvents and/or reagents. Don't get SWIM wrong, he thinks it's great to be able to extract with nothing but water--it's handy and cheap--but if one's got the materials to extract it more purely, why not?
Yeah, brewing Ayahuasca is basically just an unfinished extraction. (WS ducks under the table...)

Ya know, I've been using a few drops of Phosphoric acid to make the water more acidic when I brew Aya for a while now anyway.:oops:
No more "dud brews" after I started doing that. And it was a suggestion from somewhere on the Ayahuasca forum, sooooo....

amor_fati said:
SWIM would love to try something like SWIY's idea, WS, but it would be hard to gauge whether the doses will be even or not in terms of their alkaloid ratios. However, if one were to extract from each individual dose separately, it would probably work quite well. Do harmaloid fumarates crystallize? If not, SWIY may as well just use vinegar.

Oh yeah, they do solidify. That's how harmala red came about (but with acetone and ethanol).

I have no idea about Harmala extractions, I've made tea from Caapi & Rue plenty of times, but that's as close as I've gotten.

Was "Harmala Red" all that came out, or was it one of the mix of Harmalas? I would hope to get all of them out...

I think your right, it probably wouldn't equal out exactly, there would have to be some small dose experimenting in the beginning.
The jar of Aya that I have, has around 6 good doses in it, I suppose I could try this extraction on 1/4, or 1/2 of it & see.

Let me think how badly I really want to give this a try.

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