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Paddling in the shallow end of Salvia tincture

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I recently decided to revisit trying to build a respectful relationship with Salvia.

Salvia has always been one of the substances most feared by me because of the sheer overwhelming power it has, I have tiptoed towards and chickened out of getting to properly know Salvia so many times I have lost count, I have smoked tiny amounts of extract, failed to vape it through poor technique, quidded some of the leaves of my own plants with gentle effects, even made a weird Salvia smoothie (I wouldn't bother if I were you, it's horrendous!) none of these experiences produced much of an effect either through poor technique or too low a dose, more recently I made a crude tincture with 88% abv Polish vodka soaking the leaves over a week and shook the jar a few times a day then strained into an amber vial and dropper.

This tincture has sat patiently in my fridge for a few months until 2 days ago when I tried a test dose of 1 dropper with equal parts water mixed into honey to make a slurry that wouldn't burn too harshly, I used a teaspoon to spoon small amounts into my mouth and coat the underside of my tongue and cheeks, this took around 15 minutes to slowly consume, I waited a while and nothing obvious happened, I decided to double the dose the following night.

The following night I decided to go with 2 droppers of tincture and 1 dropper of water and forego the honey all together, I used the same teaspoon method over 15 minutes, not having the honey definitely increased the burn but was manageable and hasn't left ny lasting discomfort, it tastes very bitter but I finished the dose, my partner turned off the tv and we sat in the dark listening to Lightning Hopkins sing the blues which was very relaxing in itself.

While my mind drifted to the music I felt my mind "tighten" and my body had a slight "fizzing" sensation it felt as though the particles in my body were more mobile and I sensed the particles flow "away" from me almost like the eye of sauron has heat energy radiate out from the pupil of the eye, all of this was a very gentle curious and inquisitive feeling, like being assessed to discover what I was, I got the sense of something like a hybrid of an octopus and a leaf/vine creature gently laying it's tentacles on my arms and head I couldn't see it properly in my mind and felt if I opened my eyes it would all be easy to ignore, but listening to the blues in the calm night somehow encouraged me to see what would happen, it was peaceful, gentle and curious, I asked it to be kind to me, I could feel my nerves jangle.

As my mind was drawn to the blues music the leafy purple/green/blue octopus creature morphed into a nighttime street corner made of leaves and some kind of sugar paper intermixed with the leafy street corner, and old fashioned Paris street light appeared and under it were strange paper leaf characters like ever folding origami troll type being and began to mime the blues, kind of like a paper leaf blues brothers tribute act under the spotlight of the streetlight, everything felt like it was trying to overdo the blues theme, like it was a kitsch ironic blues show, I watched this for quite some time (around ten minutes in actual time) then they morphed into random twisting swaying seaweed which slowly faded into darkness and back to being on the sofa lulled by the blues in a feeling of contentment and calm.

I asked my partner how long I had my eyes closed, she told me 30 minutes in all, so I think the entire experience was around 20 minutes and the only negative was a slight tight feeling around my head as if I was wearing a beanie hat that was a size too small, the rest was a wonderful reintroduction to Salvia which I hope to develop at a steady pace.

It took a little longer to drift off to sleep than usual but I awoke in the morning feeling a little more energized than usual.

I very much enjoyed the blues on light doses of salvia tincture, it all felt like an over active imagination during a strong daydream, very rewarding.
I too have cultivated an ongoing communion with SD using plain leaf, gently smoked or quidded. Relatively shallow, yet far from placebo, trance planes are reliably achieved. Not a big fan of SD smoke taste, so typically I'll blend with a smoother herbal mix and gently puff until desired depth is reached. A 50/50 mix with Cannabis(sativa) is potent and good for low light, low volume sound(music or nature) drifting. Often the sounds provide a synesthetic vehicle for inner travel that can be VERY profound.

My observation has been that after a few full immersion SD sessions using potent extract, I'm rather sensitive to the "shy" nature of gentler ROAs, quid, tincture or smoked plain leaf. Rather easy to grow, the plant yields copious foliage that when dried can be easily stored, retaining potency indefinitely, IME. Very ergonomic, both practically and sacramentally. I'm repeatedly impressed by the capacity of these "old dry leaves", stored in a shoebox, to reconnect me with the Sushumanic(subtle central channel) that is ever present, but mostly "ignored" during our consensus waking state!

With age my zeal for "ego shattering" catalyzed by SD or DMT has tempered. I've also learned the sweet spot for harmala induced RIMA in my system which facilitates gentle yet profound journeying with modest doses of shrooms or anahuasca brews. It's been a while since I've blasted off with vaped DMT, potent SD extracts or ORDEAL inducing traditional ayahuasca. To be honest, current year Cannabis can be overwhelming in it's various ROAs.

Sorry for the ramble. Thanks to the Nexus for the tools helpful in tailoring the use of our birthright sacramentals in a gentle, profound and sustainable fashion!

I think we share similar views regarding the need for extreme experiences, I am also happy just finding the sweetspot for gentle and profound.
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