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Passing out while on DMT

Migrated topic.


so im not sure if this the right subforum but figured close enough.

anyway..in the past two weeks SWIM has given DMT to two people that have passed out while on it. the first time it was some fairly pure dmt crystals. SWIM gave some to a friend that has already smoked fairly large doses(maybe around 30mg before this) and this was to be his biggest dose. He smoked it while sitting in a chair and it seemed to SWIM after a few minutes that he had come out of it and SWIM asked him if he wanted to go outside for some fresh air. his friend then went outside and SWIM recommended that he sit down.

His friend sat down and then he tried to get back up after a minute and then his face went all white and he just fell forward from a low crouch(luckily) his face was all white and there were some minor muscle tremors. he recovered within 15 seconds and tried to stand again..at which time SWIM ordered his friend to sit down and stay put while SWIM got some water for him and some burning palo santo(to help ground him and clear the air)

within two minutes he was basically back...still coming down a bit but sober..and asking what happened..he didnt remember much..

the second one was to a lady friend..she was on her period..and she had also taken some 2ce(SWIM has mixed DMT and 2ce many times and also with other people with great results) and probably had drank a few beers..a few other people were there also on 2ce and SWIM was completely sober..two people were trying dmt for their first time and another few that have already tried it smoked some as well..the lady was one that had already tried it..and she even got a few tries before she passed out on the bigger dose..

everyone had wonderful, powerful experiences..with a lot of "oh my gods" and "holy shit" like comments..anyway..the lady got a decent bowl pack of the passionflower, mullein, peppermint, and some lavender with a ratio of 2:1 herb to dmt ratio...she smoked it and proceeded to look like she was having a breakthrough experience but it lasted for a long time..and at one point she got slight muscle tremors but was breathing normally and didnt seem like she was in any discomfort..

well one of the people that hadnt ever tried it before..started to become slightly worried about her friend..and tried to wake her from her trip..and SWIM tried to tell her to leave her alone and that everything was fine..but she didnt listen and kept at it..SWIM tried a few times to get her to just leave her be..anyway..the lady kinda came out of her trip because of her friends prodding..and thought that he had pissed herself because why else would anybody be trying to wake her..she tried to go outside to pee..but couldnt because she was still very deep into her trip and didnt make it very far...she started to wobble and SWIM told the closest person to catch her...and she was passed out for no more than 20 seconds..

at which time she just came out of it..and was perfectly fine...she felt fine and she also didnt remember much from her experience..

anyway..here are some thoughts...

dont stand or allow anybody to stand until they are really out of the experience...unless they are taking a low enough dose to be able move around safely(SWIM likes to take a hit and go places)

the doses that they took were not very high at all...everyone is different in many ways..and many people are much more sensitive to certain drugs...start small and dont move around until you have become very comfortable with the experience or are coming out of it..

alcohol might have had an effect like this on the person..both people that passed out had been drinking..but SWIM has also smoked dmt many times while intoxicated on alcohol..but he also remembers VERY little to nothing of these experiences...he usually wakes up from them wondering if he had even smoked it or not..

obviously other psychedelics will make dmt much more powerful..but its always hard to tell how people will interact with these things...

and finally...be very careful with these substances...you dont want to hurt a friend..so while they are in their experience..do your best to keep anything from distracting them..and make sure they stay seated..last thing you want is blood gushing from your friends head while they are peaking off spice...
I passed out once, it was on pharma, would have been about 200mg rue extract and 180mg spice.

I also don't remember much of it but afterwards I was in some state of shock so it must have been a rough and/or deep ride. The only thing I do remember from that journey was a lot of bright, radiating, yellow light. Oh man, did I feel humble after that journey...
the only times SWIM has passed out were on bufotenine and mushrooms..and multiple times each..sometimes from smoking bufotenine..sometimes from snorting it..and fell asleep really fast one time with sublingual and datura s.

twice on mushrooms..once while standing and once while sitting..

but he doesnt think he has ever passed out from oral dmt or smoked dmt..he usually smokes it alone so there wouldnt be anybody there to tell him if he had or not
When I passed out I was also alone. Suddenly I rose back to being countiousness because of some bright and resonating, yellow light.

Really weird sense to be honest. When I later on wend to the pub I was so humble I asked with a squicky voice if I could please have a beer. ;)
SWIM never passed out from anything and has no idea what it even feels like. He’s taken massive doses of LSD (no idea of the actual dose because it was blotter), an accidental overdoes of psilocybin (250 mg or so), and most recently an accidental huge dose of 5-MeO-DMT (thinking it was DMT), and he still never passed out.

The 5-MeO-DMT was the scariest. He stopped breathing for about 1 minute or so and his heart was really pounding hard. It was 40 mg smoked. Normally 10 mg of 5-MeO-DMT is more than SWIM would ever take. He’s very sensitive to 5-MeO-DMT and can trip from smoking 2 mg of it.

The psilocybin was also very scary, but there were no real medical signs of poisoning other than a cold sweat. Several broken blood vessels were discovered after the effects wore off. Psilocybin apparently has anti-blood clotting effects similar to aspirin at high doses.

From a large dose of LSH (not sure of the dosage actually) he experienced extreme vasoconstriction, numbness, and bronchial-constriction causing difficulty in breathing. But overall, this was not that scary, but filled with lots of annoying anxiety. He could NOT relax and had to pace around frantically and constantly shake and move because of all the nervous energy present. It was very annoying. The breathing difficulties were a little worrisome but SWIM seemed to be get enough oxygen so this didn’t worry him too much.

From a large dose of THH (350 mg), SWIM experienced difficulty walking, some anxiety, some nausea, not much else. It was actually quite interesting. There were auditory hallucinogenic effects, some definite LSD-style psychedelic effects, and some visuals effect too.

SWIM has never gotten any worrisome effects from DMT. Just a slight rapid heart heartbeat sometimes, similar to what LSD causes for him at high doses. The only negative physical effect SWIM gets from DMT is a melatonin like grogginess after the peak which makes him want to drink some coffee. That’s only if smoked. If taken as ayahuasca, that doesn’t happen.
I know this isn't exactly what your talking about but I have a question and their are a lot of experienced people in this tread.

I guess I have a tendency to hold my breath on occasion during my trips (according to sitter, almost a full minute one time, which I didn't think was worth bothering me in the middle of the trip for but...). I have a bit of medical knowledge but I'm no doctor, would I be right to assume that the worst that would happen if I held my breath would be to pass out? No big deal as you would just start breathing again and wake up just like if you held you breath till you passed out when sober, right?


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