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Passion Flower

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've been reading about passion flower in another part of the forums and I had a few questions. Unfortunately I can only post here instead of the thread in question!

I have a nice bag of passion flower just bought from the mercado down here. So just a few questions:

-Does "enhanced passionflower" mean spice-infused passionflower?
-Does anyone have experiences using enhanced passionflower they'd like to share? (I checked the "Changa" thread but only a couple of people have used passionflower solely. Usually they mix it. The post says it is a calming MAOI but not much more.)
-Is this a correct ratio (1:1) when enhancing with spice?
-Any other advice from passionflower fans?

Appreciate it!
I used passionflower leaf once for changa, but it was from my garden and I was unsure of the exact strain. I like cappi much more, but have not tried the actual passionFLOWERS so will have to try that one day. I have heard that the flowers are nice to smoke as is in a bong, with better effects than leaves.
The flowers are definitely different from the leaves. SWIM has both at home. The flowers make better tasting tea, have a somewhat different effect and are much stronger, maybe 3-5 times stronger. It’s hard to describe the difference in effects. The flowers seem to have slight muscle relaxing qualities and are definitely more psychedelic or “hypnogenic”.

If you haven’t yet tried the flowers, give them a try. They are the best part of the plant.
Thanks for the feedback, fellas. SWIM is pretty sure he have a mixture of the leaves and flowers, but maybe just the leaves. It looks like this:

SWIM thinks he might try to enhance some of it today to see how it works. He will tell me his story and I will post his results.

In case anyone is interested, the tea I made from the passionflower tasted very good and was aromatic. I brewed about 2g before bed and I slept very well and woke up with a lot of energy. If anyone has trouble sleeping because their mind is going at full speed, try drinking some of this before bed. Good stuff!
Make sure to use a non-toxic passionflower species. Some passionflowers have that nasty stuff in that gets converted to cyanide in your body. Check somewhere like Erowid for which species to use.
Just sort through and pick all the stems out then weigh out how much you want, 1:1 is perfect, then chop it up a bit to a good consistency then you're ready to roll. Smoking only small amounts to start with is good for first attempts but to really experience it's power you'll need to smoke a fairly large amount in a nice tall bong. Good luck!
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