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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
finding myself in the land of the free (!?) home of the brave for a few weeks, I have a friend who is interested in visiting hyperspace. We're looking at a foodsafe tek (tip o' the hat to Q21Q21) and can secure dried passionflower leaves, which oddly have been bouncing around my head for a while now.

So the plan is to do a foodsafe(ish) vinegar/pickling lime/naptha extraction, freeze precip and then infuse passionflower with spice dissolved in 100% acetone.

However - as a twist, we're thinking about taking 5g or so of the passionflower and soaking in acetone for a few days, and using this supercharged, passionified juice to dissolve the spice and soak into fresh passionflower.

By my reckoning, this should produce a leaf blend with concentrated MAOI / spirit of passionflower.

Now, techinically this is enhanced leaf, rather than changa, as Madre Aya is not a part of the process or blend (which I think is what I want to explore, despite my deep and abiding love of the Vine Mother) but I understand passionflower is a MAOI so theoretically this should be a harma alkaloid enhanced journey.

Anyone with any knowledge of passionflower (I've none) we'd be grateful for any tips or comments or descriptions of the spirit of this plant.

much love

weird - I have two threads. But, House - thanks for that; have felt a calling to explore this plant.

@ BNovice - yes, there's a jar of caapi/chaliponga at home soaking in IPA (it'll be a month by the time I get back to it). Reports from others, notably Dorge, indicate that simple IPA/acetone soaking draws out some of the active alks ... by using this IPA/acetone instead of 'virgin' solvent, it seems to greatly enhance the power of the blend.

We will see.
I have been exploring this plant now for a couple of months. I hooked up with some 10x extract on line through Heavenly Products . I never knew the power of this plant prior to this. I like it allot. I drink a cup of tea every evening, its nice. I get that very nice warm fully potentiated glow about me. Really helps me get a great night sleep. It's also great to infuse. I like this plant allot.
If you can grow your own, I HIGHLY recommend it. An already-blossoming darling Pash from the nursery should be about $20... and she will grow LIKE CRAZY!! She is an Olympic climber who winks with the most beautiful eyes... and there is much to be said for the fresh herb, too.

I've had mine for years, and she is wonderful. :)
ms_manic_minxx said:
If you can grow your own, I HIGHLY recommend it. An already-blossoming darling Pash from the nursery should be about $20... and she will grow LIKE CRAZY!! She is an Olympic climber who winks with the most beautiful eyes... and there is much to be said for the fresh herb, too.

I've had mine for years, and she is wonderful. :)

I agree, growing your own always makes it more fun. But make sure you get Passiflora incarnata. Where I'm from all they carry is your ordinary Passion Flower which isn't that useful (if at all) as an entheogen. I had to purchase seeds online.
passion flower makes an effective changa!
any smoked harmala makes a good changa!
especially if you grow it!
this blend your making sounds great!
Some of my first blends were with Passionflower.

I like passionflower alot, except for the taste, to me it tastes like burning bush.

Electric stuff:)
Beautiful plant, both in looks and entheogenic qualitys.

The best success I've had with PF so far was a 50gram brew with some damiana. Drank the 1st ltr quite fast and just took my time with the remaining 500ml. A blend of caapi, PF leaf and damiana in a 1:1 with spice... absolute bliss my man! You wont need much either. I found a mere 50mg of the changa sent me off the planet for a good 45mins... and normally that amount wouldn't even touch me.
I think I'm going to try again soon without the caapi though.

Hope you enjoy your wee trip matey :)

I enjoy laying stock passionflower tincture on mullein and then laying spice 1:1 . This produces a nice product, but the experience can be a little cloudy for me.

The passionflower does make a HUGE difference, it is great for sub breakthrough doses for me, much more visual and relaxed. It softens the experience a lot, almost too much, i like to be pushed a little.

Salvia seems to push me :) must hit up more sally changa. im definitely going to do a sally extract on mullein with some maoi sometime soon :D
What about combining salvia and passionflower? Then you will be relaxed, but still pushed... ;) My guess is that that is a good combo.
Mixed feelings with passionflower here. Love the plant itself. Fantastic flower. Smoked on it's own, it's a moderate relaxant and meditative aid. Enhanced passionflower (~10x) definitely feels heavier, a little too dopey for me though. Whatever harmalas are in it, aren't as kind as THH in caapi. Wasn't sure if it was just imagination but it wasn't all together pleasant. Made changa with the enhanced passionflower by itself, and although it did aid in softening and lengthening the spice effects, it was better when additional harmalas were added (particularly THH), and even better when mixed with other herbs (in that case it was lavender). On its own, the spice seemed to enhance whatever negative qualities in the passionflower that weren't agreeable (not a consensus observation, just a personal opinion).

Interesting plant though. Definitely worth exploring and absolutely useable for changa. The actual effects have subjective qualities that some may like and others may not prefer though.
Just an OP update, for those of you interested.

Ended up not doing the acetone soak - just went with straight passionflower changa - but couldn't breakthrough on it - even on a significantly higher dose than usual. However, this may have been circumstance; Usually a lone traveller, this occasion involved introducing a friend to the wonders of it all. He broke through and stayed gone for about 15 minutes and was deeply moved.
88 said:
Just an OP update, for those of you interested.

Ended up not doing the acetone soak - just went with straight passionflower changa - but couldn't breakthrough on it - even on a significantly higher dose than usual. However, this may have been circumstance; Usually a lone traveller, this occasion involved introducing a friend to the wonders of it all. He broke through and stayed gone for about 15 minutes and was deeply moved.
Sounds like success! I smoked P-flower changa exclusively before I got my hands on any other herbs and I found it to work wonders. I had a couple breakthroughs, some decent entity contact and several deep revelations about some close friends. P-flower is a beautiful herb to use and I find it can work wonders. I really like combining a little with some Caapi leaf just to get two different maoi sources. Dunno if it actually does anything, but half of the herb stuff is mental priming, imo, anyways. Use blends that appeal to you, it will increase the appeal of the experience.
I've always personally found passionflower [used in changa] to give a far more relaxing/dreamy style trip.
great for visuals and less 'angular than' dmt by itself in similar quantities.
rawmo said:
I've always personally found passionflower [used in changa] to give a far more relaxing/dreamy style trip.
great for visuals and less 'angular than' dmt by itself in similar quantities.

thats neat!

you know swim pointed this out to someone recently that some plants may provide just the perfect or ultimate qualities we all love so much, but if you think about it... shamans around the world that worked with plant teachers had to work with what they had...even if it was hanging from a rope tied to their pierced nipples. PF changa might not be as great in some respects as say caapi leaf but it does the TRICK! which is amazing! it allows for the inner voice phenomena as well as prolonging the effects of spice so that one can just keep smoking it! that is incredible!
it will probably be dreamy and stoney though, and for those that can learn to work with those effects it will cocreate new ways of relating this medicine!
why you are doing an engtheogen changes the effects of an entheogen so much that it almost makes the effects indistinguishable from the general effects this the secret that shamans know so well... why to work with them.
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