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Past Life Regression

Migrated topic.


Winnie the Pooh
Anyone??... i'm seriously considering going under hypnosis to reach the memories of my soul... i know i've lived past lives and i'm constantly "pressed" to remember.. sooo has anyone ever done this??.. any comments??... maybe you've reached your memories through another means than hypnosis??..

also,, i'm hearing controversy on whether to allow yourself to feel the emotions or to just view the memories... i'm not sure whAT the pros and cons are .. if someone could give light on this as well....
Hey godling,

Ive recently had quite e few memories return to me from multiple Changa journeys.Predosing with Harmine seems to be the trick for me as the communication in experience is much more clearer for me.I think the process of healing we go through is just a metaphor for remembering.We are remembering not learning.Our higher selves have extensive memory and we can tap into our higher selves very easily with entheogens.Journey more,travel,experiment explore how you feel and do stuff during your experiences.Tap into the endless light in which we project.Feel yourself,see and hear.Everything happens for a reason and the people we meet in life are all our teachers.Find out what you are naturally drawn to especially from a younger age.When you are young you naturalness flows.Expand energetically.
Hey Godling,

One of my friends does past-life regression as a part of her overall spiritual guidance business. She's done it with myself and my partner for fun. I consider it a game more than anything else, though believe the material generated can be meaningful, much like a dream.

It was really interesting, and revealed connections in this life as I would never had consciously framed them. During the regression, I encountered several people, and was able to tell immediately the one I knew in this life. Emotions came through, but in a subdued manner. One very cool aspect, we experienced a whole "scene" from the life in real-time, and then on our way back, progressed through the life in a fast-forward manner, so emotions would kind of flash when they were especially poignant.

Be well.
Based on many of my DMT experiences, I sometimes think that this is my first incarnation as a being on planet Earth. Definitely my first time as a human being. :)
thank you chief.. it didn't even cross my mind to journey my memories when traveling.. swwweeet

ragabr that sounds amazing... any pointers on selecting a professional who does this sort of thing?? as i've heard that some practitioners direct the experience, actually causing the experience to be structured.. this i do not want.. i do not want some false memories embedded in my mind

gibran,, that is soooo awesome... have yet to meet anyone that is a new soul.. ... if your working with entheogens it sounds like you're a bit ahead of the rest of the pack... i know so many people that are older souls that are clueless
My friend had us read over the outline of the regression, to make sure that we were completely comfortable with everything. I'm sure that anyone that you would actually want to work with would be happy to discuss their process with you. I'll ask her if she has any additional suggestions, we're getting together on Tuesday.
Having been a professional hypnotist for a few years I know a bit about regressions. If you have a competent hypnotist that is able to do normal regressions properly, then doing pastlife is easy.

The best bet is to look for an hypnotist specialized in ''spiritual'' hypnosis.

Good luck.
gibran2 said:
Based on many of my DMT experiences, I sometimes think that this is my first incarnation as a being on planet Earth. Definitely my first time as a human being. :)

i have felt the same way.....that's why that 'gwandma' post i put up hit me. she (dolores cannon) talks about 'waves' of beings with no kharma (no past incarnations here) coming to this world at this time to help raise the vibrational frequency in preparation for a great shift.

sounds like crazy, hippy, metaphysical gobbledeegoop, but there's a lot about this concept and others of hers that just seem to feel right... definitely worth watching...

...she is one of the absolute originators of past-life regression work, so she's got that going for her.... ;)

I've had dreams about being a black slave, and I've also had mushroom trips were my visions were of me as a black man that was being chased and whipped for trying to run away.

I have no idea what to think of them, but ultimately I'm not that interested in knowing all my past lives. I have to many memories and heartaches from this life...

I have come across a few Tibetan monks during my life time and travels who have been able to see right through me on such a deep level that they have been able to see my past lives and previous incarnations... i asked them all about what my incarnations were as it fascinates me greatly and all of them responded that its better for me to discover them along my own journey of self awareness and illumination.

I was honoured to have experienced a profound mushroom experience which took me back to one of my past lives where i was a whale swimming among my brother and sister whales in the most beautiful corn blue ocean which had beautiful rays of sunlight shining iridescently through the water. Here is a link to my experience, if you would like to read it: Psilocybe Cubensis Argentina Strain. Just a word of caution though as regression through ones past lives can be a terrifying and extremely difficult experience, however i wish you the best of luck on your journey of discovery and please do let us know how it goes...

Much Peace and Compassion
antrocles said:
gibran2 said:
Based on many of my DMT experiences, I sometimes think that this is my first incarnation as a being on planet Earth. Definitely my first time as a human being. :)

i have felt the same way.....that's why that 'gwandma' post i put up hit me. she (dolores cannon) talks about 'waves' of beings with no kharma (no past incarnations here) coming to this world at this time to help raise the vibrational frequency in preparation for a great shift.

sounds like crazy, hippy, metaphysical gobbledeegoop, but there's a lot about this concept and others of hers that just seem to feel right... definitely worth watching...

...she is one of the absolute originators of past-life regression work, so she's got that going for her.... ;)

Well, all I know is that I fit her definition of a "2nd Wave" human very closely. :d
this old lady makes all kinds of irrational claims...

...that for SOME UNKNOWN REASON make sooo much sense to me...

...yeah...she speaks the truth.
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