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Pau D'arco changa blend

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My friend is making an enhanced Pau D'arco blend and wanted some advice on adding Caapi Leaf. What ratio mix is suggested and do these 2 combine in changa well? My friend has not worked with Caapi before, can the leaf just go straight in the blend or does it need extracting / processing before?

I'm expecting some input from Smokeydaze here! 😉
Your friend can use straight caapi leaf, depending on the strength you may or may not feel it.. but it will do something.
A simple extract of Caapi can be made by using leaf and/or vine soaked in alcohol for a few days.
I keep a big jar of Caapi + leaf in alcohol which i usually use to make changa.

I dont really know how much of the harmalas go into the alcohol and if the alcohol changes them or not.. might be good to freebase a bit with sodium carbonate as some have mentioned here but I have not tried that yet myself.
Most people seem to do what balaganist suggested, so I think it might be better if you were to make two batches: one pau + one caapi.
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