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Pau D'Arco - Tea or Bark?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi fellow Nexians,

I want to make some Changa with a Pau D'Arco mix, but I've no idea whether I should buy tea, bark, either of the two or something else entirely?

Can anyone clarify for me? I have searched the forums but not been able to find a conclusive answer. My hunch is that either will do, but if someone could confirm, that would be great.

I will also be using one other herb (maybe Muellin). Once again, what am I looking for for this? Herb, bark, leaves, flower..?

Thanks in advance,

The fine shredded bark seems to be best for changa blends. However, be careful and don't use too much -- just a pinch. Pau D'Arco in any significant quantity will burn and make the smoke extra harsh. For me it's better utilized ceremonially as incense before the trip instead of in the smoke itself.

Muellin, however, is a fantastic choice.

Good luck.
Pau d'arco bark fine shreds, but mullein leaves or flowers is your best choice as base IMO. think about it when doing your herbal proportion or even simply use mullein leaves as herb base and add you harmalas and dmt FB accordingly.
also, a lovely option is to infuse/steep IPA with Pau d'arco, and/or other herbs of choice for anywhere from a week to a month, and then use the infused IPA on Muellin which is probably the best absorbing herb there is for Changa.

hope that might help!
Hi both,

Many thanks for your responses and advice.

I've just ordered a selection of nice herbs, looking forward to a nice changa blend sometime soon :)

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