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PEA's make me cry... tears of joy. (A cactus story)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I found the writing (below) on a pillow left behind at a music festival. It's not my experience:

I have just recently been taking different PEA's, San pedro, peyote, mdma, and have been absolutely enjoying the profound change they have evoked in my life. I have cried more often than I ever have in my life over the past year. These tears can be from sad things, but mostly they come up from an overwhelming joy or euphoria. I have never felt better in my life, than I have lately. I feel like I'm in a good streak. What I mean to say is this crying is truly wonderful for me. I feel like I'm more open; these tears are a sign of great change. For so long, I could cry, but it didn't come easily. Now, whether I'm on a psychedelic or not, crying is very easy.

I've cried because of the thought of losing my twin brother. I've cried listening to Ani Defranco. I've cried because of the memory of treating a woman like a piece of meat. It doesn't take much now a days.

I guess I'm a bit of a pussy.:oops: :lol:
Phenethylamines always seem to move me to tears, especially mescaline.

To my memory each time has also been from joy or euphoria.

I can agree with the unknown author on feeling like they are therapy tears and a sign of change.

It's like shedding a weight from your shoulders.
I hope they become legal in my life time... there is certainly no sense in lumping these drugs together with the likes of cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.
one time while quite high on torch, i brought a little cactus in from outdoors and just looked at him.
looked and looked and looked.....
soo humble, soo sweet.
i thought of all the ways they are persecuted when all they want to give is love and wisdom.
i shed light tears, which gave way to heavy sobs.
finally i was curled up in a ball on the other side of the room sobbing my eyes out.
my girlfriend, also high, came from outdoors and asked why i was crying, comforting me.
she thought something grave was happening.
it took me 3 minutes to respond through heavy tears and sobs.
"i wanna take care of them....:cry:.....i wanna water them and take care of them! :cry: "
in retrospect, it was really cute how affected i was by those little guys.
PEA's have changed my life too...brought me into the heart-space rather than the sometimes too-sterile reasoning mind.
thanks for posting lawnboy! :)
"...brought me into the heart-space rather than the sometimes too-sterile reasoning mind."

amen brother. I find this very important these days
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