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Pedro resin bioassay


Rising Star
So SWIM whipped up ~12g's of resin from a foot of thick fresh Pedro and bioassayed 2g's the other day at 10:45am, after having eaten a light breakfast at 9:15am. SWIM had a coffee when the effects kicked in around an hour later. Result? Teeth-clenching amphetamine-style speed with uncomfortable tryptamine-like body load and no visual effects whatever (beyond minor visions while "relaxing" in 90 degree (fahrenheit) heat after lunch, after which SWIM dozed off for 5-10 minutes). SWIM also had stomach discomfort the whole day (SWIM never has stomach problems, ever). Is this normal for Pedro resin? SWIM has had pure mescaline and "full-spectrum" Torch acetate in the past and they were completely different experiences.
Regarding the stomach discomfort, the only thing SWIM can think of is that he swallowed the full 2g's in one shot, maybe he should have split it up into say 4 marbles and downed one every 15 minutes... perhaps some datura stramonium could have helped too, but he doesn't have any at the moment.
SWIM has taken 5g of resin at once with no nausea or stomach discomfort.
Maybe try eating it with a light snack.

As for the experience, SWIM has taken torch about a dozen times and pedro 3 times.
Pedro is calmer and more dreamy, although it is still very stimulated like torch. SWIM has never taken amphetamines but the body load was more like a body high and very pleasant with pedro.

Seems very odd that SWIY had that sort of experience.
interesting about this stomach discomfort you had. I usually have a sensitive stomach, but both with cactus resin or mescaline (only tried acetate so far) I get no nausea or stomach problems at all. Maybe the coffee had some effect? next time try without that... Also, did you add any acid to your simmering cactus, and if so, how much?

As for the 'no visuals', I never really had visuals with mescaline, did you ? Even with, say, 10+g resin or 1+g acetate I had some sort of light tracers or a kind of shine in everything, but no real visuals in the typical tryptamine style. It was all more in the head and the feelings. But it wasnt ever uncomfortable, no teeth clenching or things you mentioned. The only more or less unpleasant effects I had from higher dosages was having a few moments where my mind went blank, as if I half blacked-out or was falling asleep but not exactly. Wasnt too bad but wasnt really pleasant either.

Another thing to question, where is the cactus from? Was it gotten from an ethnobotanical supplier, or from a normal garden center? Is it possible the cactus had been sprayed with some kind of poison ?
Interesting to hear this. After my first experience with resin derived from fresh peruvian torch cactus, I was very excited at the potential of resin. Since that time, making resin with dried torch chips, the stomach discomfort has worsened on each occasion. The last time was worse, with several hours of quite profound stomach pain, some nausea, and very little psychoactive effect. So after that experience I personally decided to give resin a rest, which is a shame, as initially it seemed to show so much promise.
endlessness said:
interesting about this stomach discomfort you had. I usually have a sensitive stomach, but both with cactus resin or mescaline (only tried acetate so far) I get no nausea or stomach problems at all. Maybe the coffee had some effect? next time try without that... Also, did you add any acid to your simmering cactus, and if so, how much?

As for the 'no visuals', I never really had visuals with mescaline, did you ? Even with, say, 10+g resin or 1+g acetate I had some sort of light tracers or a kind of shine in everything, but no real visuals in the typical tryptamine style. It was all more in the head and the feelings. But it wasnt ever uncomfortable, no teeth clenching or things you mentioned. The only more or less unpleasant effects I had from higher dosages was having a few moments where my mind went blank, as if I half blacked-out or was falling asleep but not exactly. Wasnt too bad but wasnt really pleasant either.

Another thing to question, where is the cactus from? Was it gotten from an ethnobotanical supplier, or from a normal garden center? Is it possible the cactus had been sprayed with some kind of poison ?

SWIM added no acid whatever, not even a squirt of lemon. The cactus was obtained from an online dutch cactus plaza. SWIM has never had tryptamine-style visuals with mescaline, no, but he's had visions, sort of like waking dreams with his eyes closed, and open-eyed visual "effects" like what you mention, and additionally "breathing" objects and the like. Like you, he's never had stomach issues with pure/acetate, and this was his first time trying the resin.
Try some different cacti
resin is a good way to do it but tea has always been the most memorable experiences
Bancopuma said:
Interesting to hear this. After my first experience with resin derived from fresh peruvian torch cactus, I was very excited at the potential of resin. Since that time, making resin with dried torch chips, the stomach discomfort has worsened on each occasion. The last time was worse, with several hours of quite profound stomach pain, some nausea, and very little psychoactive effect. So after that experience I personally decided to give resin a rest, which is a shame, as initially it seemed to show so much promise.

That pretty much reflects SWIM's experience... stomach discomfort (no nausea just a burning sensation) with very little psychoactive effects beyond an annoying tryptamine body-load, the kind normally associated with cubes. I wonder what causes this. Would it be possible to extract the alkaloids from the resin with 69ron's tek? Guess SWIM would have to dilute the resin in some water and then throw in enough lime to make it the right consistency. Would this work?
You could heat the water and stir the resin back into the water.

resin is a good way to do it but tea has always been the most memorable experiences
I also prefer tea, simmered to an amount that's easy to drink.

yeah, leave the coffee out next time.

I never really had visuals with mescaline, did you ?
:shock: Maybe you need to up your dose. Mescaline is so very visual for me.
But not morphing and breathing. but trails, halos, fractals, rainbows, size distortion.
I vaguely remember geometric patterns swirling up in a vortex from a plain cement sidewalk on 21" of thick Achuma.
Jammr said:
SWIM added no acid whatever, not even a squirt of lemon. The cactus was obtained from an online dutch cactus plaza. SWIM has never had tryptamine-style visuals with mescaline, no, but he's had visions, sort of like waking dreams with his eyes closed, and open-eyed visual "effects" like what you mention, and additionally "breathing" objects and the like. Like you, he's never had stomach issues with pure/acetate, and this was his first time trying the resin.

All the times I made resin I added a bit of lemmon juice, maybe as obliguhl said the citrate is somehow easier on the stomach? I dont know... If its the plaza you got your cactus from, it was the same as I got and it did work fine (I had sent them an email asking if the cactus had been sprayed and they said it wasnt). Im sorry you are having these problems!

But maybe resin is just not for you, gotta respect your body. If you want, maybe try once more, a different batch with a bit of lemon, but if that doesnt work just forget about it and go for extracted mesc, since you said that works for you.

You can extract the resin if you redissolve it in warm water, yeah. I did that once. I didnt do with lime like ron's tek, though, I made an A/B with lye and several limonene pulls and it worked fine!

PsilocybeChild said:
I never really had visuals with mescaline, did you ?
:shock: Maybe you need to up your dose. Mescaline is so very visual for me.
But not morphing and breathing. but trails, halos, fractals, rainbows, size distortion.
I vaguely remember geometric patterns swirling up in a vortex from a plain cement sidewalk on 21" of thick Achuma.

Interesting. I did get a bit of trails, halos, and so on, but they were quite soft, if I compare the actual psychological effects I was having and with the visuals I would have if it was some tryptamine in the same level of tripping.

Indeed I probably would get more visual effects with higher doses, I didnt go so far with mescaline yet. I do plan on experimenting with that sometime. In a couple of months when Im back home I wanna compare hcl and acetate in higher doses.
Thanks for the input guys. SWIM will try the extraction on the resin tonight. He also has 10" of Torch he'll make more resin from but with a dash of fresh lemon juice this time.
Yesterday i tried 3g of the resin i made. It was made from only the green flesh of about 5 SP cuttings (tops) of about 30cm. The ball of resin weighs 45g.
Lemon juice was used for making the tea. The tea was filtered once using a coffeefilter. The resin was taken in 3 doses of 1g. About an hour in between each dosage. Also i had a light meal after the first dose.

Have not experienced any speedy jaw effects, though at times there was some stimulation. Couldnt sleep for some hours, and i experienced some minor stomach cramps while in bed later that night. All in all it was a nice dreamy experience. Definitely psychedelic, but very subtle. The experience reminds me somewhat of coming down from a MDMA + mushroom combi. Same type of CEV in the background, and same type of bright lights when eyes open.. Some pixelation too when looking around in the room in darkness.

Will try more of the resin later. Maybe spice it up with some more or less pure mesc-HCl : )
To test the citrate hypothesis... could SWIM dissolve the resin into some hot water, add some lemon juice, and re-evap? Would that work?
Because you mentioned undesired effects (speedy + stomach cramps) in your original post i decided to spread those 1g worms/rolls of resin that i took yesterday.

Virola78 said:
...and i experienced some minor stomach cramps while in bed later that night..
I was thinking of your post when i had these cramps later that night.

Maybe when you keep your digestive system somewhat going (continue eating small amounts of brown bread now and then, with some water) you can avoid the cramps. Im thinking the resin is hard to digest. Like raw/dried truffles give me stomach discomfort too. Also maybe try to spread the dose somewhat.

The speedy effects (jaw) you experienced are somewhat alarming though. I do remember some other post some time ago were somebody was also complaining about speedy effects from cactusresin. But I really didnt have any speedy effects. Some stimulation yes, like MDMA can be stimulating sometimes. But at no time it was like (speedy) amphetamine.

For my resin im thinking about 4 doses of 1g (each gram cut into 5 small pieces) every half hour. Taken with some bread and water. That will be my next test. Im taking it slow. Certainly dont want to risc serious stomach discomforts. I hate it when that happens :evil: ruins everything..
Jammr said:
To test the citrate hypothesis... could SWIM dissolve the resin into some hot water, add some lemon juice, and re-evap? Would that work?

So SWIM recently did 2g's again but instead of ingesting it in one shot he spread it out in smaller doses every 15 minutes. He also didn't touch coffee and ingested after a moderate lunch a couple hours earlier. No stomach problems, no jaw clenching, no side-effects whatsoever. 8)
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