Don't smoke the seeds. Perform an Manske extraction on it (using salt to precipiatate out the alkaloids) and the perform a quick and simple A/B extraction on what falls out from the Manske. Sounds complicated but in reality its a pot, water, rue seeds, cook strain, add salt, stick in fridge, filter, put what you filtered out into a jar, add a drop or two of vinegar and a 100mL water, add ammonia, stir, filter, dry. The teks are there, just read them over and give it a try. Rue is so cheap you can fiddle around with the extraction. Personally I suggest trying an oz for your first extraction.
Rue has some nasty alkaloids in it. The Manske extraction only precipiatates harmine and harmaline, the A/B cleans up all the salt contamination and purifies it a bit more.
That you can smoke...seeds, no.