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Penn Says: Legalize Marijuana

Migrated topic.
I say that it is yes and no. Yes marijuana would generate enormous revenue for the state. But I also think it would take about five years for the full infastructure to be set up. Farm land, development of that farm land, processing facilities, shipping facilities, and on and on the list probably goes. It is not a quick fix by any means to legalize and tax marijuana.
Good stuff. I hope that people start speaking up. This issue needs to be pushed into the spot light. The media really is so powerful unfortunately it is easy bought.

It is really not even debatable, prohibition is not only a complete failure but a true atrocity. Thousands of people are worse off either dead, in prison, morning the avoidable loss of a loved one, infected with a disease, addicted without aid... all as a direct result of prohibition. Just as with alcohol prohibition, the act of prohibition creates a society governed by anarchy that harbors organized crime, adulterated products, poor quality, high prices, crime, spread of disease, accidental overdose, propaganda paranoia, corruption, cheap easy to make alternative drugs with dangerous or unknown side effects.. ... The world is a unstable disaster right now all because of the drug war. We are corrupting the world, and waging war with our own citizens. all while eroding public health, safety and freedom.
Yet people still think using recreational drugs are morally wrong all while they wash down their prozac with a beer, and puff a cigareete... come on people (DRUG FREE HAHAHHA) 90% of adults use some type of drug. Recreational drug use has always been and will always be a part of human behavior. It is a natural biological drive.

No one is saying drugs are harmless drugs can be very dangerous all the more reason to control and regulate them. Prohibition makes drug effectively more dangerous because there is no regulation and thus no control over availability, purity, quality, adulterants, price...

Prohibition makes the situation so much worse as well as introduces novel problems. Government job is to protect us from anarchy, to regulate to ensure safety not create it nd then let enterprising capitalist (DEA) make a living by parasitizing off of the public. The only thing prohibition does that could be considered good is it creates thousands of jobs, however that is no excuse for the millions who suffer from this failed disastrous draconian policy. Regulation would also create jobs while protecting people, and decreasing crime and corruption. This is not to say regulation will be perfect however it will certainly be more effective than prohibition (just look at alcohol).

Prohibition needs to be abolished and Regulation enacted. Therefore we can control price, purity, adulterants, enact proper education about safe use, all while saving billions as well as generating extra billions in tax dollars which can be used to stimulate a new economy which can develop safer alternatives, and treatments for those who need it all while study neuropharmacology and learning about consciousness. WOW what a world that would be hugh?
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