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Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Well, after over a decade of reading about the stuff, hearing stories from others, and more recently being lucky enough to sit down in front of a Huichol shaman and his son as they played traditional music, I finally made the effort to ingest this medicine.

..and it surprised me. Peyote is some powerful stuff.

I managed to have 14g of the dry cacti in my possession(peyote is 100% legal where I live), which sounds like not much but this cactus is in my eyes a rare gift and to have any amount of it in your life is a blessing. It is also much more potent than any trichocereus cacti I have encountered thus far, and so much less is needed.

I sat down last saturday night, and figured I would try just a small amount. I have worked a few times with trichocereus peruvianus over the summer, which was in part a response to a recent series of life changing experiences that were had with Shulgins favorite little empathogen that has made so many waves in the dance scene. I figured some time with phenethylamines was in the cards. Aside from that, there has been much work done with the fungus both alone and in combination with rue, and one powerful night combining Wachuma and fungi. That is however, for another time. I am here to talk about Wirikuta, or Peyote.

I ingested only a few grams of the dry buttons, meant to be a test dose because I had no idea really how potent peyote can be. From talks with others I gathered that different people seem to eat every and any dose level of the stuff. I quickly realized however, that what I imagined to be more of a low level microdose was building up to something far greater than that. Warm empathic rushes were flowing through my body, not unlike that of MDMA, accompanied by transient nausea and eventual intensification of the visual field, especially in the vibrancy of colors seen. Music became wider and electronic music sounded incredible, again a signature in my experience of empathic phenethylamines.

At some point, maybe 3 hours after ingestion, and the nausea had subsided I smoked a very small puff of cannabis, shut off the lights and got into bed. I was wearing some of my most cherished faux fur festival gear that I feel extremely comfortable in and always makes me smile, bringing back some of the most beautiful memories I have. Everything was perfect. Faint fractal were beginning to bloom on all surfaces with eyes open and color was now saturated with neon brilliance..icing on the cake. My heart was radiating and I felt generally at peace with my life, who I am and where I am going. Peyote was like a vacation from all the delusional crap that we hold on to in this life, only to ironically make us all the more sick for doing so. It is a profound letting go.

And then things got kinda weird for a moment..
The music that was up until this point simply enhanced, and wider sounding, started to loop backwards...but it never lost any rhythm or tempo..the rhythm was maintained but it played forwards and backwards. This wont make sense when reading I know..it was a very strange synesthetic effect, as I could also feel the loop of the music and at that same moment I said to myself "well this is weird!" and instantly I could see the pattern of the looping as a strange fractal implosion, like as if it had pierced linear reality by the act of breaking the regular flow of temporal space time parameters.

In the next moment, the sky appeared above me behind closed eyes. This was rather vivid. In the sky above me was a massive eagle, soaring above me, with quite an impressive wingspan. It was breathtaking. There was a moment where everything sort of slowed down and I just lay there looking up as this beautiful creature. Some kind of fractal pattern or glyph then descended down from the eagle towards me.

This was like the opening to my visions, the eagle there to welcome me into the world of Wirikuta. I knew this, but again it wont make sense to try to explain how or why that sort of communication happens.

Next, the visions shifted, and I spent maybe 30-60 minutes laying flat out in bed eyes closed deep in peyote dreaming, speaking with people and processing events etc that I know were rather personal but I can't for the life of me remember much of it anymore. All I know is that it was a lot of personal junk being processed, and that I was having profound visions.

This is one thing that surprised me. People say sometimes that cacti is not really a psychedelic, or that it's not visionary...Peyote to me is different from the Peruvianus I have worked with, and maybe more visionary, I don't really feel qualified to say. I know that I have had visions with all the cacti I have eaten at some point, but not like I did with Peyote. Peyote for me is on par with ayahuasca and fungi. It is a powerful visionary sacrament not to be underestimated. It can really take you into a whole other world that I don't feel the west is equipped to understand. It is magic.

The next vision I can remember, I am standing on what seems to me to be a Mayan pyramid, or Aztec, Toltec..I would not know the difference. I can see space above, stars, galaxies etc..the way the sky looks when you get far out of the cities into the mountains on a clear night. There is this Indian guy there with me, again maybe Mayan, or Toltec. From the sky down to the pyramid descends this river of rainbow light, and inside of the rainbow light flowing in the river is overlaying patterns and fractal glyphs, morphing and shifting. He sort of points to the thing and put's his hand into it, and tells me that he can open stargates with this stuff, whatever this stuff is. Again, this was not spoken to me, it was simply understood. He then actually opens some kind of cosmic doorway inside of the river of rainbow fractal light, and moves towards it, looks back at me as if to invite me to come with him..but I can't...

"You have not eaten enough peyote today to go where I am going".

The visions continue for hours, again much content I cannot recall. I get up every hour or so to smoke a puff of cannabis, get some juice or water. At times I sit up with a candle petting my cat for prolonged periods feeling a sense of absolute completeness, love and empathy. I feel good about my life, I feel okay with past relationships, I think about my friends and how amazing these people are in my life. I send some of them messages to tell them how awesome they are and how much I love them. At one point I get up and dance around the room to down tempo bass music. Everything is glowing and I love it.

Hours go by and this stuff is still going. The globe on my shelf is alive and winking and smiling at me. Tantric goddesses bathing in faint mandalic light are swimming through the air above me, again smiling back at me.

Next vision, laying back down in bed is of a raver. I am presented with this typical imagine of the kandi kid raver, colored plastic beads half way to the elbow, rainbow hair, beaming on MDMA, dancing in sacred spirals of light to the ecstasis of life. Wirikuta is present, a force, like the presence of tide in the ocean..where is it? from where does it arise? It is a movement, intelligent but transient..always present yet unidentifiable. The vision then becomes like an interactive instruction on the evolutionary development of the human being..a blueprint for the post-industrial human. (okay okay, I like to go to raves, I like to dance with my friends..this stuff is already in my head and the visions might play off of that :) )

I see visions about how MDMA came into our world from some other place. It was sent here, a divine incarnation to bless humanity with the most potent activation of the heart chakra we have current access to. Wirikuta shows me the genesis of the dancing human, fused with the neo shamanic heartbeat of syncopated electronic music and the somatic heart and body activation of MDMA. This then sets up the bridge for the introduction of the higher phenethylamine based medicines, which retain much of the heart activation but carry that energy farther up into the other centers as well. In the visions I witness the evolution of the kandi kid raver, who then progresses from MDMA and fuses with the spirit of Wirikuta, maturing like a butterfly an blooming into fuller spiritual realization. Suddenly they are adorned not with plastic neon beads and baby soothers etc, but adorned with beautiful shimmering stones and crystals..turquoise beads, quartz, feathers...they are smiling and beaming with light, dancing in circles and chanting..beautiful sacred music engulfing the dance floor as a whole culture reaches it's climax ready to accept a new way of living on planet earth.

A voice began to address me, this time actually heard in the audible range. I said "are you peyote"?..to which the voice simply responded, "Yes"...

Cool vision, huh? :)
Interesting! Are you sure it was just peyote and not sprayed with something? A light dose is 10 to 20 grams. Mescaline content is usually around 2 %. Also peyote is extremely bitter and nasty tasting. Personally the worse tasting stuff I have ever tasted. It usually involves lots of throwing up.
I lived in New Mexico USA for over 8 years. I consumed peyote (fresh, dried, and as a tea). I ate the medicine at Native American Church Meetings and at Peyote Foundation gatherings.
Usually I saw blue green fractals. I even had a precognitive vision three different occasions that came true. They say it can help you find lost things.
If you're eating dried medicine, try an ounce next time. Don't combine with other substances. The medicine wasn't meant to be consumed that way. Remember the peyote road isn't easy.

Peace, Rocket
Awesome report indeed :thumb_up:

I had a handful of Huichol - Wixarrika ceremonies with Hikuri from the Wirikuta desert.
Recognizing many of your aspects.

It was always in dry grind form and in contrast to Rocket347 I found it better tasting than SanPedro and alike cacti, a more "metalic" taste and less bitter IMO.

But I never had a story like Jamie to tell, mine were more grounded, maybe the MJ did a job with that? We were asked not combine with any other entheogen even from 5 days before, this might make a difference?

SanP and P-torch could never give me the ultra divine colors and velvet textures on all surfaces like Hikuri does. A very long lasting experience, the best entheogen so far, the most "sacred" if that is a way to express it.
yes, nice vision. it made me realize that i could definitely benefit from a lower dose of peyote before going into higher doses when the time comes. That and maybe an mdma or mda experience as well, having never had one.

nice read
Thank you for the report !

It spikes my interest in peyote (didn´t know its that special compared to san pedro), in one or two MDMA experiences ( it´s been a loooong time, please dont abuse it guys , its such a beautiful medcine used in moderation) and last but not least my cacti friends on my window sill).

I always liked the idea that the dance-scene (psytrance and more focus on LSD in my case) evolves over the years (decades?) into something more "serious",spiritual and eathy and I always (since 1998) tried to promote such values.

Funy enough , for a lonh time i am thinking that its sad that not more people in the scene focus on mescaline cacti, I think much people would be surprised , like a natural candyflip with a plant teacher vibe minus the negative aspects that come with MDMA abuse ...

Rocket3476stz said:
Don't combine with other substances. The medicine wasn't meant to be consumed that way.

I think thats dogmatic , everyone should find his own way...
A vegetarian friend of mine had a session with a peyote roadman once , and he had to eat buffalo meat because of tradition...
I really think everybody has to find his own way !

Rocket3476stz said:
Interesting! Are you sure it was just peyote and not sprayed with something? A light dose is 10 to 20 grams.
Peace, Rocket

I guess extensive experience with entheogens for many years (decades) makes one very sensitive to other entheogens as well.
Peyote is my religion. I learned it from Native Americans. Not consuming it with other substances isn't dogma. Peyote is not something to be played with. It is a sacred plant.
As far as psychedelic tolerance being lowered by using a large amount of psychedelics over time. I've never seen it. I first dropped acid in 1974 and dropped it literally hundreds of times. I've tried MDA, shrooms, peyote, San Pedro, DMT, LSD, etc. Maybe it does for some people. I just haven't seen it.
mature peyote is on average 4% and up to 6% alkaloids when dry. Yes I am sure it was real peyote. The people who it came from attend NAC.
Wow great report, thanks for sharing jamie! I have some of my own peyote, a few summers ago I made a tea of two of them (harvested sustainably, cutting above the root stock so they grow back), I ingested most of this after having a little caapi vine extract. I'm not sure this tea preparation was the most efficient way of ingesting the cactus, but having just had two, I wasn't expecting much, even with the caapi, but I was impressed with the effects I experienced...it was quite distinct from my experiences with San Pedro and Peruvian torch, and on the edge of being quite a deep and immersive experience. One day I hope to meet Grandfather Peyote again, and hopefully dive in a little deeper.
It def seems more visionary than trichs. Visually it feels like it can go to similar spaces as mushrooms and ayahuasca, however I still feel like with mescaline there is a bit of a buffer where the experience does not penetrate my entire being the same way LSD, psilocybin, DMT, 5-MeO-DMT etc do...

I am thankful for my cacti experiences, but I feel like I am not called to that medicine so often, unlike the psilocybes. Psilocybes are my main teachers, and DMT. Psilocybes are much easier to cultivate though.

Acid and MDMA are just awesome as well. I actually would say MDMA is still my favorite phenethylamine.

Mescaline is a rare gift in my life. My peyotes will be edible sized someday.
Rocket3476stz said:
Peyote is my religion. I learned it from Native Americans. Not consuming it with other substances isn't dogma. Peyote is not something to be played with. It is a sacred plant.
As far as psychedelic tolerance being lowered by using a large amount of psychedelics over time. I've never seen it. I first dropped acid in 1974 and dropped it literally hundreds of times. I've tried MDA, shrooms, peyote, San Pedro, DMT, LSD, etc. Maybe it does for some people. I just haven't seen it.

Sorry, i really did not want to offend you. You and many others found their (traditional) way with the medcine , respect !
I just wanted to say that i perceive it as dogmatic when someone presents their way (even when traditional) as the only way to others.

I could call mushrooms and canabis my religion (i dont do that , i call them part of my spirituality...) , and they complement each other very well during ceremony ...
no, I have not eaten LSD at any EDM shows or festivals yet. It's in the works though. I have some blotter and Ott, Gaudi, Plantrae, Desert Dweller and Kalya Scintilla are coming in the next month.

I have been experimenting a bit with ergine, and found that I really love ergolines. I actually have a lot to say about that but this thread is not the place. I am looking forward to experimenting with LSD again, esp in a dance context and summer festivals next year.
Nice report jamie :thumb_up:

For the record sprac has needed less and less of a dose of psychs to "put em out there" as he's got older and had more experiences. I'm pretty sure if I ate 14 buttons I'd have a pretty decent trip..

From what I remember reading bridgesii and peyote have similar or the same alkaloids? I know bridgesii compared to other trichs I've ate was alot dreamier and kicked in within an hour indicating something other than mescaline... I prefferred the clearer headed trichs that seemed to have mostly just mescaline, taking hours to really kick in.

I would like to have some pure mescaline extract in the future.... with time...

I've eaten buttons that I thought were low in alkaloids and I,ve eaten buttons that were more powerful then I ever anticipated. I feel its intelligence, like the spice it gives you what you need.

Also, there is a possibility of strengthening the neural network with previous psychedlic experiences.
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