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phailed pharma

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Swim drank a cup of oj with 35 mg dmt garnish and 150g caapi copy and experienced no effects at all on his first attempt at pharma. Should he increase the amount of dynamite or cc? is it a timing issue?
I assume you mean you took 150 mg of caapi copy, not 150 g. ;) You should definitely have noticed effects from what you ingested. Seriously, no effects whatsoever? Try increasing the dosage of caapi copy. 250 mg of caapi copy will equal around 50 gram of caapi vine. That is a good dosage if 150 mg didn't work.
yeah i also think like infundibulum that you are possibly one of those people that need a specially higher dmt dosage.. i also usually need 100+.. maybe try doubling your dmt dose...

BTW, did you make sure that specially the caapi copy was well dissolved in the oj before drinking? I ask because I think its possible if the harmalas are not dissolved but the dmt is, then when it reaches the stomach some of the dmt may get destroyed before the MAOI does it's action... So either make sure its all dissolved or take the harmalas and couple of minutes after take the dmt.. I usually go for them together.

Another question.. how is your diet, usually? Its supposed that people that eat in general a lot of junk/industrialized/aged food will have more MAOs, therefore might need more MAOIs.... you could also try increasing your caapi alkaloids to 200mg together with increasing some of the dmt dosage.. Just dont increase too much at once of both, you dont want to be caught off guard and have a hyperspace ass-kicking :D

Good luck and tell us how it went!
The thing is, even if you might need a high dose of DMT, I believe you should have noticed some effects just from the 150mg of caapi copy. Perhaps not hallucinogenic effects, but you should most definitely have noticed that you had ingested something. This makes me think that endlessness have a great point. The point about not increasing both too much at the same time is also great, please step carefully!
swim noticed feeling very relaxed and different, but nothing hallucinogenic at all. The caapi copy was fully dissolved and most of the DMT was floating around. Next time he will try 60 mg spice and same amount of cc.. Maybe even take the dmt after twenty minutes.
threeleggedlion said:
swim noticed feeling very relaxed and different, but nothing hallucinogenic at all. The caapi copy was fully dissolved and most of the DMT was floating around. Next time he will try 60 mg spice and same amount of cc.. Maybe even take the dmt after twenty minutes.
spice floating around is not a good sign. It means it may not have converted fully from freebase. In my acquaintances experiences freebase sometimes does not work as well as salts and is more prone to cause nausea. Here is a hint. Before you increase the dose, dissolve your 35-40 mg freebase in a little vinegar + water. Make sure it all dissolves, as when it does it will all disappear without a trace, then you can ingest the acidic solution or mix it up with your harmala solution in OJ.

keep us posted if it worked
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