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Phalaris Arundinacea (Canary Grass)

Migrated topic.
Although experienced extractors have largely given up on Phalaris, there are reliable reports of individuals having bred a small stock of high-DMT variants. Would be great if they actually have done so and share their wealth...
there's some talk over at edot about phallaris brachystachys reprted to contain as much as 3% DMT,but I somehow doubt it and it's probably .3% . still interesting though
But what is the most popular plant for extraction? I hear people talk alot about Mimosa Hostilis. Why is that? Is MHRB easyer to extract from than other plants or what?
The only downside to using MHRB is that it's too easy to get a great yeild, it'll turn you off to the others and make doing an extract on, I dunno... lets say a GODDAMN FUCKIN' CACTUS seem like the absolute most frustrating difficult thing to do in the entire world.
WHy is phalaris givven up on by so many? Is it just too difficult to work with all that basket cordage, or is the alkaloid content just too low to be of any interest. If its just too difficult of plant matter, than maybe a b/a/b as opposed to an a/b?
[quote:d0a980a741="blacksheep"]The only downside to using MHRB is that it's too easy to get a great yeild, it'll turn you off to the others and make doing an extract on, I dunno... lets say a GODDAMN FUCKIN' CACTUS seem like the absolute most frustrating difficult thing to do in the entire world.[/quote:d0a980a741] :lol: :twisted: LOL! Reminds me that I still have to try an extraction on Phragmites australis root.
DMTripper- a/b=acid/base extraction b/a=base/acid b/a/b=base/acid/base In case you dont know generally alkaloids are alkaline, hence the name, and generally insoluble in water. when the alkaloid molecule bonds to an acid, via the electron of the alk' to the proton of the acid,(electro valent bond) the alkaloid molecule is then water soluble, but only because the acid is, and it is connected to the acid. This phenomenon is used to get alkaloids freely floating in water solutions, because once it is locked in solution, one can remove things such as fat/clorophyll/oil maybe even polymers with a non-polar solvent like naphtha. A basic compound such as sodium hydroxide or potasium hydroxide is added in sufficient amounts which reacts with the acid, forms compound with the acid, and the alkaloid is knocked free from the acid molecul, acids like hcl. have only 1 proton,(electro valence=week bond), when this happens the alkaloid is again alkaline, and insoluble in water. Using the same non-polar solvent, the alkaloid can be removed from the water and it can be removed by itself(pure alk') because everything else that was non-polar, fats etc, was already removed when the alkaloid was connected to the acid. Some fats, lipids for instance, are non-polar over all, but have an area that is slightly polar, picture a straight line, the line is non-polar, yet one end is slightly polar the other end is not, but the whole thing is called non-polar because of its response to polarities. These can get into the end product, in such cases, the a/b is done on the end product again, but obvioussly on a smaller scale, it should work because these water soluble fats are really non-polar, and want to get out of the water and in the naphtha. Brain cell membranes are made of these fats, the non-polar ends of the "straight lines" bond together, the neuro-transmitters that are nonpolar such as anandamide the endo-cannabanoid are stored within this bond and when the membrane potential of that cell is excited to where it expands, the transmitter is released from the cell which excites another cell membrane to open and it absorbs the transmitter into the non-polar layer within that cell which in this case would be the cannabanoid receptor. A b/a is the reverse approach.
Thanx for the info :) Fortunetely I took some chmistry at highskool so I get the point even though My chemistry english in not so great :) Thanx again :)
[quote:53656796e3="blacksheep"] GODDAMN FUCKIN' CACTUS seem like the absolute most frustrating difficult thing to do in the entire world.[/quote:53656796e3] Having seen the amount of cactus youve got, my hearts pumping purple piss for you
I'm not sure what you mean by your heart pumping purple piss, but it made me laugh... The cactus that has been seen is a drop in the bucket, hence the frustration
Aw, cactus isn't so bad. Do an A/B where you cook the hell out of it for seven years, defat it half a million times, basify it with 500 lbs of lye for every gram you wish to collect, extract with any one of several really stinky solvents a thousand times, separate that (and be sure to enjoy every minute of siphoning all that coagulated mucillage) wash all of the accumulated lye out of the solvent and then begin the process of eeking the alkaloid out of the solvent a scraped plate at a time and becoming an old miser, rubbing his hands together and chortling with glee as each mg is added to the vial. No problem.
wow havent been here in a while... i thought the site went down at one point...:( ...now i have tons of reading to do. :D as far as phalaris, i have cultivating loads of phalaris arund. and collecting the cuttings in the freezer for a possible extraction someday.
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