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Phalaris id

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Can anyone tell me if this is the type of phalaris containing dmt?

looks like Phalaris Aquatica to me, judging by looking at the flower buds.

but wait for someone else to also confirm this.

edit : here's a photo of P. aquatica flower from the internet for comparisson. the structure of the flower is very similar, and i have seen the red pigment on the flowers of P. Arundinacea too.

usually on humid days when theres not much sun they turn red.


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I found these outside and took clippings. Is it possible to make them form roots like this?
i think you can spread them by taking some root system or rhizomes . that would be the proper way .

they have highly reproductive roots as far as i know.
the ligule membrane didn't seem prominent, but its also kinda hard to tell from those pics.

also, does phalaris get red? (i have heard of turkey red, but i don't know if it was actually red)
yes they do get red as a result of sudden temperature and weather changes, at least this is "when" i have observed this change of color.

i have a photo of arundinacea growing by a river in my city, it also had exactly this kind of pigmentation change.
Yes im sure the collor is because of the temperature change during the day. Im in new england and the weather has been very strange this year. Is there a specific tek for taking the root system, one for another plant I can replicate maybe? I have plenty of this plant going wild and id love to grow them under the right conditions. My first thought was it was Phalaris canariensis.
i would wait for at least one more member to confirm that it is indeed aquatica.

also better photos in daylight would make identification even easier.

if you had a reagent kit, you could make a minuscule extraction with alcohol and test for tryptamines.
Can you give me a description of the parts to photograph and the angle? I have them under a CFL and a HM so taking a picture out of sunlight shouldn't be a problem?
post a picture like this

so we can see if the ligule membrane is prominent.

it does look 98% like aquatica, but you probably just want to double check.

i would imagine digging some phalaris up by the roots and potting that would probably work.

i replanted some phalaris in the ground close to my house, and they did spectacular until a neighbor's horses ate them. i don't see why would be any different in a pot.
I know for a fact there was Phalaris aquatica in the area, along with what I suspect to be Arundinacea.


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I was thinking it was the aquatica left from last season. it turned purple because of the temp. Your statement leaves me to be it may not even be phalaris. This is what I believe to be Arundinacea

This is the membrane of the purple suspect aquatica. Here is another suspect Phalaris canariensis found on the other side of my island.

The lack of a ligule membrane on the first purple stalks leads me to believe that it is not a DMT containing phalaris. Although there is a small membrane under the leaf, perhaps it is just young?


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only the first photos look like aquatica. the flowers are almost identical.

the second photo you post as arundinacea is not arundinacea. that is for sure.

edit : the young green growth comes from the stems with purple flowers ?
that is DEFINITELY not arund.

the lack of ligule membrane prominence on the aquatica suspect is unsettling.
i lack the knowledge/authority to confirm the ID either way.
could be aquatica, or a look-a-like afaik.
Okay, the second post saying i found what i believe to be arundinacea was a mistake, it was the large black seed containing part i thought was aquatica, is that mistaken? I'm germing the seeds to see what it will produce to be sure. I meant to say I think the last post, first photo, it is canariensis. Any chance on that being true?
Empty said:
I meant to say I think the last post, first photo, it is canariensis. Any chance on that being true?
sorry, but no.

canariensis have flowers very similar to brachystachys.

arundinacea and canariensis grow wild all over here, so those two species i feel fairly comfortable ID'ing.
What about the photo with the membrane? it looks like phalaris but Im not sure what type. Anyone?
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