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pharma => caapi tea with bufojam changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I think the caapi tea changes the phases of bufo, mainly there was no phase 2 to speak of with this experience. I do get the fractal net with plain bufo, but this time it was: j-spice to phase 1 to a long phase 3 to phase 4.

This is a bit of a novel, but I didn't really want to cut it short :)
Read between the "+++" for the meat of the experience. No nausea occurred in this experience :D

T0.00: pharma ingested, light effects. proceeded to watch "A Serious Man" and have some dinner. it was pleasant.

T4.30: a cup of caapi tea (~5g) was sipped slowly over half an hour.

T5.00: started to put the house in order and lock up for the night. showered and brushed teeth.

T6.00: the effects of the caapi were in full swing, some lingering thoughts from the pharma were present. loaded the pipe with the first dose of bufojam changa. nowadays, one normal dose is taken slowly over five minutes as the j-spice trance slowly takes effect.

T6.05: I remembered the plan for a deeper journey and snapped out of the current trance (2D, sub-B) to load the pipe again. first rip taken and I had oev's of floating patterns in the air and energy lines around objects, telling me I was about to travel. the final rip was taken, light turned out, and I layed down and blew out the smoke as hyperspace came around.

j-spice: visions had a predominance of grey, with some colors on some of the designs. saw that octopus character which had oddly large lips, it seemed to be floating left to right with some spinning - like you'd see an astronaut do in zero gravity. behind it were some rooms, a few were occupied. one had two females making love in 4D, they did not mind being visible. once the thought of more couples making love in other rooms came to me, they became disappointed that the reality was not being observed for what it was and that vision faded. visuals went back to grey rooms with colors. an entity tried to stick his hand into the right side of my brain and I was going to let it happen, but Aya slapped his hand away and I became aware of her presence. the j-spice began to fade to a haziness.

transition: the comedown from j-spice revealed a curtain of very colorful lines and patterns on a black background (phase 1), creeping in around the edges. Aya's presence was more pronounced, and Yopo (a name I'll use for old man bufo) started to make himself known. I held on to the jungle effects for what I could because it was nice, but when the bufo started to really get going I let go and dived in.

bufo: Yopo told me I must fear him. I said that I could deal with fear from extensive work in hyperspace. He said that this confidence acted as a shield, but accepting fear of something greater than myself is a necessity. I needed to work on it and he would be happy to make me and show me why. Then, I got scared. I said that I basically didn't want my ass handed to me at the time. Aya said she'd protect me and Yopo was glad that I had established respect for him, then he let up on the threat/offer. He called up some memories of recent events in my life where I should have been afraid but was blindly confident, and I said I would work on it. Then the feeling of the word "Fear" resonated in the 'black space with neon lines' and beautiful visuals opened up which were much more like ayahuasca than fractals (phase 3). This is also when I began to notice the very strange audio hallucinations, which were pretty interesting in themselves. There was too much information to take in, it was more like I had gained access to a new part of consciousness I'd locked myself off from and it could be explored later in detail.

the visuals opened further and I became immersed in a psychedelic jungle space. vines of energy were growing all around me. there were children playing and laughing somewhere in the jungle, I could hear them as well as be aware of them. some rabbit creatures with huge eyes, which have appeared in a bufo session before, were talking with some really strange sounds that coincided with some piston-like visuals in their part of the jungle. other beings were there, the details of the visions are beyond me to describe.

I saw a very beautiful woman sitting in some kind of hut amongst these vines, completely relaxed and vibrant. I began to think with and around her, and converse with Yopo. We talked about various places and cultures with a big emphasis on people being real and meeting and knowing each other, the importance of family and good friends, and of teaching children. All of these thoughts were based in vision-exchange, very much like dreams and far from 'visuals'.

The human discontinuity that is idolized in some of western society is a tragedy, as is the dirty, seductive, evil side of politics and business - all sources of money by harvesting from the oppressed and promoting a downright unloving way of life. I was assured that this disease of humanity could still be overcome, so I asked where I could go to find it.

Yopo said very distinctly, "Guatemal". This word is the most clear and concise sound I heard for the entire trip. English is my first language and I would think "Guatemala" in my own mind, so this is particularly interesting to me. The beautiful woman let me know that I could find a beautiful and intelligent woman to share travels with, and that she herself would always be deep in the jungle. I then identified this jungle woman as Aya, she let on that I was right. This is the first time I've seen her so vividly in visions.

I spent more time flying about the jungle seeing and hearing all that was going on. Once the jungle's sights and sounds faded to mere pretty visuals again (phase 4), I got some advice on my personal life from Aya and Yopo.

T8.00 had some trouble sleeping, took another hit of changa. the j-spice entities were tired as I was, but didn't mind putting on a bit of a show. Yopo said I should rest and did not open to me. I could feel Aya's presence for some time afterward. I decided I'd gotten the message and will take another break from these things until I hear the call again.

T8.30 I got up to smoke a pipe for a bit and enjoy the after effects. Just by thinking around, I happened to vocalize some of the audio hallucinations that I'd heard. They sounded accurate and I'd like to explore that more next time.

next day: felt excellent, light cevs could be turned on/off with ease. earnest interaction with others was great, life was vibrant. I didn't do the dishes though.

Has anyone been to Guatemala? What is it like there?
Great report, very detailed. I have been to Guatemala. There is lots of Jungle to explore there! Get yourself to Tikal and / or Palenque (Mexico) which are ancient Mayan cities in the Jungle. Take a good dose of mushrooms while you are there. Doing this was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.
Very nice report. Seemed very rewarding! :d

I can feel you on the Yopo. Yopo wants you to respect it and fear it. Maybe I'll do some snuffing tonight :shock:
Thanks all for the kind words :D

And an extra thanks to those who brought the wealth of bufotenine to us budding seekers :D
It certainly has a lot to offer, and I'm eager to hear what the investigative community at the Nexus does with it ;)

1664: Thanks for the info - I checked out some photos of the architecture at Tikal and Palenque and they look amazing. When I get some funds together, I will definitely make a trip down there 8)
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