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Pharma misfires???

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Any advice on preventing misfires?? I took the same dosage as last time..200mg cappi copy-I was definately inhibited...then I took 60mg DMT freebase dissolved in OJ..Last time on the I was flying through fractals, trails everywhere, a total magical ride. This time, I had a few CEV dreamy visuals for an hour or so, then it just stopped totally. The only difference is I smoked a bit of pot last time and that was what seemed to really kick it in. But pot shouldn't be necessary, right? I also tried eating a bit an hour after taking the DMT and still, nothing. I even smoked some changa, and the changa worked for a few minutes then back to baseline. I thought for sure the changa would have kicked it in. I mean, I know my spice is good. IDK, I was just really looking forward to seeing the elves tonight. I had some things I needed to discuss.
Were the harmaloids in capsules? They're often found problematic. Some poke holes in them. SWIM had his most reliably powerful experiences by taking shots or sublingually (mucosahuasca); he never had a misfire with a known effective dose using either of those method but has with capsules.

Also, some put time in between dosing with harmaloids and spice, which is often found unnecessary and possibly problematic.
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