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Rising Star
Ruffles has been posting quite a bit on sublingual & transdermal DMT experiments:

Reading his posts just re-kindled my interest in a pharmahuasca experiment I'll try this coming Friday (November 19th).

Background: every 2 weeks I trip on a combo of 350mg pure THH + 300ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD (similar to ALD-52). The HPBCD DMT thread in the pharmahuasca section describes these experiences: Journal: 50 Sublingual | <span style="frontcolor:pink !Important ;">High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron)</span> | DMT Ayahuasca journeys over a years time - Pharmahuasca - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

I've done this for 2 and a half months now (5 profound +5 Shulgin level experiences thus far). Each journey has been a profoundly beautiful ZERO anxiety, headspace gentle, neon-colorful, highly visual, heavenly music enhancement, super deep head space, infinitely spiritual experience all evening long, very similar to 2 feet very thick high dose bridgesii cactus tea, and I've drank bridgesii cactus tea over 200 times over course of many years. I also have experience with hundreds of doses of LSD and over 70 Ayahuasca experiences over a lifetime.

These experiences are nearly identical in every way to high dose cactus tea, but only a tiny fraction of the cost.

This coming Friday (Nov 19), I'll combine 90mg HPBCD DMT freebase -->90mg DMT fb placed on a spoon covered with x 7 or 630mg HPBCD to keep at a 1:1 molar ratio (use x 8 or 720mg if using the more common 2-hydroxy PBCD), add 10 drops boiling hot water from a nearby microwaved coffee mug, mix and scrape it all back and forth really hard using muscles for 2 minutes, drop in 30mg freebase harmine, mix it all with a toothpick, then place bottom side of tongue onto spoon, sticky HPBCD DMT/harmine liquid will all adhere, hold under tongue for 15 minutes, strong effects begin 22 minutes after application and lasts approx. 1.5 hour at which time one can re-dose with same if you want.

I've done this 300 to 350mg oral pure THH + 45 minutes later: sublingual 90 to 140mg HPBCD DMT fb + 30mg harmine fb combo many times and it works extremely well with heavy closed eye neon colored dancing geometrics & visions for the full 1.5 hour. Pupil dilation maxes out, strong tryptamine buzz felt, pulse rate increases, music sounds incredible, open-eyed profound beauty. Beautiful open eyed visuals with heavy tracers.

I will take this around 1 hour after dropping the oral 350mg THH + oral 300ug 1-acetaldehyde LSD.

If this works, I will add this to my every 2 week regimen of tripping. You can even re-dose more sublingual DMT every 1.5 hour at least two more times for the evening I found out.

NOTE: I have not used DMT in 2 months time, so I have zero tolerance to it, it should work well.

Can't wait to try. :love:

I have 44 experiences already over 1/2 a year with sublingual HPBCD DMT (60 to 140mg) under tongue combined with oral 300mg oral THH, so I have no problem discerning the effects of the experiments.

As we all know, 3 psychedelics combined are more powerful than just one or two.

Note: THH is NOT an MAOI, she (feminine spirit) is a psychedelic SRI or serotonin reuptake inhibitor just like the following psychedelic serotonin reuptake inhibitors: mescaline, LSD, shrooms, ibogaine.

Make sure your THH is pure and not contaminated with unconverted harmaline (which is a RIMA/maoi). Dab some THH on a wet cue tip, rub on paper plate, hold under blacklight, if it glows blue you have THH, if any green glow, you have harmaline in it, keep in mind harmine also glows blue too though. THH has a lingering metallic like taste when rubbed on tongue.

(1) Reference: On the importance of tetrahydroharmine (THH):

1. Post #12 of this paper: Journal: 50 Sublingual | <span style="frontcolor:pink !Important ;">High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron)</span> | DMT Ayahuasca journeys over a years time - Pharmahuasca - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus shows how to convert harmaline to pure THH in 1.5 hour for the first time (very fast) with 75% yield. TIHKAL THH entry also achieved 75% yield. Post also shows how to check the blue glow under blacklight to make sure it is pure. Any green in the glow means you still have un-converted harmaline, but follow instructions and you won't have any unconverted.

1. Dennis Mckenna Ph.D: page 115:
Thus, tetrahydroharmine may prolong the half-life of DMT by blocking it's intraneuronal uptake, and hence, its inactivation by MAO, localized in mitochondria within the neuron.
In my experience, THH doubles the half-life of DMT, so when used sublingually or orally, you get a full strong 90 minutes out of it with long afterglow.

2. She is in the same beta-carboline family as ibogaine. She is the 2nd highest alkaloid in Caapi. She has a 10.5 hour half-life with peak at 5.25 hours.

3. DMT only colors are subdued and dark, but THH brightens the DMT visuals: out of this world impossible bright neon colors are a trait of high dose oral tetrahydroharmine + moderate dose 60 to 70mg+ sublingual or oral HPBCD DMT: neon red-greens, neon orange-blues, neon purple-yellows.

4. DMT does not block serotonin on it's own, but THH does...this results in not only stimulation but euphoria in combo with the DMT: and real Ayahuasca visions become apparent...important teamwork. Ibogaine, LSD, mescaline, shrooms, 5-meo-dmt, bufotenin in Amazonian snuffs, all block serotonin, THH blocks serotonin.

5. THH has numerous similarities to mescaline, she is like the beta-carboline version of mescaline, few people have used her over 100mg. I have seen the receptorome chart for THH vs. mescaline. She not only blocks serotonin like mescaline, but agonizes all 3 adrenal receptors A1-A3 associated with beauty and aesthetic enhancement, just like mescaline. Beauty enhancement is "over the top" when THH is included, she is diamondlike shimmering in her beauty.

Actresses on TV will look like dazzling glowing super-colorful cartoon versions of themselves (just like with high dose cactus tea) only if you include the THH. Researchers have called THH the "tryptamine of the beta-carboline world" and rightly so.

6. THH is found in average 150mg in a cup of Caapi based Ayahuasca tea, when 2 cups are drank by some of the more advanced members for evening at the vegetals (UDV, Santo Daime, Shuar Indian) people are consuming around 300mg of THH.

7. Music will only sound bad-ass incredible if you include from 150mg to 300mg oral THH with your sublingual or oral DMT.

8. This pure THH at 300mg all by herself is extremely visual, she's an isomer of a hormone like substance made in the brain naturally.

9. The entry in TIHKAL for 300mg THH is completely wrong, where the unexperienced person compares it to the effects of 100mg harmaline. She is nothing at all like harmaline, and like 69ron once said about the person's comment in TIHKAL, he or she would not be able to tell their ass from their elbow. I agree, what complete nonsense. Dr. Shulgin wrote that he never got the chance to try THH, but wrote that more studies on it are "badly needed."

professor8 (found here from 11/1/2010 he writes like a poet w/special powers of imagination & expression):
Tetrahydroharmine (THH) has the ability to raise your vibration in a most powerful, yet subtle way. It brings a crystalline prismy texture to spice and adds a super clear watery dimension to Aya, like looking down through 10meters of shimmering Caribbean Sea on clear blue day. It brings a dimension of pure light to the entheogenic experience and encourages entities & intelligences of only the Highest Order. If one is not accustomed to perceiving these experiences with a spiritual perspective most of the nuances & subtleties THH brings on are overlooked and remain unseen and one would better enjoy Harmaline as a house painter chooses a roller over a brush, its about preference & choice.
Trips (from here on 12/2/2011):
As to how the THH altered the experience -> I find rue extract+DMT to be very similar to mushrooms. I found the THH added to the rue+DMT to shift the experience to a state much closer to that provided by LSD. It was more clear, more energetic, more focused, and when confusion struck it was definitely more "acid-like".
The world is moving in the direction of the Left Brain: technology and science. What the world needs is to move in the direction of Right Brain development: empathy, spirituality, connectedness. Compounds like tetrahydroharmine in Caapi could be said to improve emotional intelligence. Is this component of caapi a smart-nutrient for the right side of the brain? you be the judge.

At 300mg of THH all by itself, there are heavy open-eyed tracers like lightening flashes, and hours of teaching closed eye visions that start with colored sparkles and fireworks (red, green, yellow, blue) that dart around and progress into full-fledged way-beyond 4k visions with eyes closed that are not only static but often animated like slow and high speed movies, but all one monochrome color like green or blue for me, when you add DMT, the visions then become colored and patterning on animals for example will display their associated colors, DMT also adds on to or builds on top the THH visions, expanding them, but the teachings and insights & visions are credited to the Vine, just as Gayle Highpine writes in linked paper:

Gayle Highpine (Ayahuasca researcher):
The vine carries the content of the message, the teaching, and the insight. The purpose of drinking Ayahuasca is to receive the message the vine imparts.
Tetrahydroharmine or THH ranks very high on the "periodic psychedelic table" among all the known entheogens for inducing realistic way beyond 4k monochrome teaching visions for hours...adding even small amounts of DMT brightens and colorizes the visions, example: reptiles, birds & animals such as serpents/snakes/toucans/parrots/jaguars with patterning show their respective associated colors. Many times I have viewed multi-colored serpents, birds & jaguars several times over hour long CEV periods, serpents are the manifest spirit of Ayahuasca.

pic: feminine spirit, women at the ruins


  • feminine+spirit%2C+women+at+the+ruins.JPG
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Thanks AVA for the reference to my posts!

Just to be more precise, I`m not trying transdermal but intrabuccal or sublingual uses of fumaricD with cellulose films/patches. DMSO in the mouth is a little more scary than in the skin, not because of DMSO but more because it should require a far more clean and known product than usual. The concentration of it for the enhancing absorption uses is also a problem, surely large concentrations of DMSO will damage the mucosa. Although there are a lot of skin DMSO applications in literature and commercial products, I don`t know of any inside the mouth of humans though, so there`s no reference for safe concentrations.

Should be pretty safe for skin if you are working clean with known products though.
Thanks Ruffles, I chickened out on using the DMSO + 140mg dmt topically, as I just can't guarantee how clean it would be going directly into the bloodstream. I've had zero issues using the HPBCD DMT sublingually over 44 times, if you count the nuber of times I've re-dosed in one evening, which is always 3 total, but I just don't know about transdermal.

However, Weight lifters have used DMSO currently & in the past to transfer the hormone powders 4-androstenediol (molecular weight or mass of 290 g/mol), trenbolone (mass of 270 g/mol) and testosterone base (mass of 288g/mol) into the bloodstream within 20 minutes time once applied to skin with great efficiency, and DMT is even lower in mass (188 g/mol) than those 3 alkaloids.

Legendary trainer to the pro-bodybuilders Dan Duchaine (nutrition and steroid guru) was the first to popularize the crushing of farm animal "20mg trenbolone finaplix pellets," which used to be available at every corner livestock store over the counter, then mixing the resulting powder with a small amount of DMSO on a spoon.

You can even hold spoon over a candle to help it all dissolve 100%, rubbing liquid once cool onto a small area of the body, and 20 minutes later, blood levels would spike to astronomical levels with trenbolone, maintaining the muscle building and mental effects for many hours. Trenbolone is the world's strongest steroid. He detailed all this in an old issue of "Muscle Media 2000" . It was their hottest selling issue ever. I tried it back then several times, and it works VERY well. You get super jacked quick, and it has strong mental effects, and really did work in only 20 minutes.

However, as mentioned I chickened out on using dmt freebase transdermally with dmso.
DMT appears to drive just a little bit of tolerance which is negligible due to it being quickly metabolized. Never read anything about harmalas tolerance timelines.

LSD though, that leads to a high tolerance with a long time to get to baseline, doesn`t it? It is known to have a slow clearance rate which would result in longer effects and longer tolerance. Don`t you feel a reduction of effects in the 15 days interval?

Comboing with harmalas though, that should change tolerance... I presume that SSRIs lead to long term reduced 5ht receptors, or for MAOi it would lead to an increase in reuptake or reduce 5ht receptors as well. If that is so, a combo of harmala and tryptamine should drive even higher tolerances.

Also interested in knowing if you pre or post load with supplements, seeing your background on bodybuilding. I like the preloading with multivitamin, carnitine, coq10, fish oil, resveratrol, ascorbic acid for the anti oxidant properties and postloading with carnitine, triptophan or 5-htp to avoid serotonin crashes. A similar question would be if you do any detox regimen.
Yes Ruffles, I trip every 2 weeks as I only get every other weekend off. I work the ENTIRE weekends on the other weeks.

With the 1-acetaldehyde LSD I trip my ass off still every 2 weeks, no tolerance noted, same with the THH in combo, just completely blown away, have done this nearly 3 months now. I saw a paper showing that 1-acetal LSD (ALD-52), which is very similar to 1-acetaldehyde LSD works only weakly on the 5-ht2a receptor, but very strongly on the adrenal a2a, a2b, and a2c receptors, which are also the domain targeted strongly by the natural entheogens: DMT, mescaline & shrooms, there is much less tolerance at these receptors than the 5-ht2a, which develops tolerance strongly.

I get ZERO anxiety using 1-acetaldehyde LSD, feels very natural compared to the man-made feeling of LSD, visuals are flowing and not choppy, very neon colorful compared to LSD. ALD-52 was also discovered by Dr. Albert Hofmann at Sandoz labs. I don't want to get into this here, but I do detail all this on post #284 with many experience reports from other ALD-52 fans: Journal: 50 Sublingual | <span style="frontcolor:pink !Important ;">High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron)</span> | DMT Ayahuasca journeys over a years time - Pharmahuasca - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Sandoz labs:
ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state. ALD-52 also has twice the anti-serotonin or serotonin blocking power of normal LSD.
PSR Review on ALD-52:
A recent study determined Ki values for ALD-52 of 1,054 nM, 174 nM, and 10.2 nM, at serotonin 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, and 5-HT2C, respectively. Receptor activity studies indicated that ALD-52 is a very weak partial agonist at the human 5-HT2A receptor compared to LSD, but it did induce the head-twitch response in mice. However, ALD-52 showed no agonist activity at 5-HT2A, and 5-HT2C despite showing comparatively high affinity to those receptors compared to LSD.
Yes, like you I pre-load before the sessions (esp when adding in sublingual HPBCD DMT) with 300mg +R-ALA (one of world's strongest antioxidants), 1g vitamin C, vitamin E, 6 fish oil early in am, multivitamin, etc. I also love 2 x 100% coca bar small chocolate squares x twice a day, as it is also one of strongest anti-oxidants know to man, and also add 1/4 cup of mixed berry blend to my 60g met-rx/micellar casein protein shake during day, and use a 25g micellar casein shake before bed.

I've had no DMT in over 2 months, so no tolerance to the DMT. I trip REALLY hard on the sublingual HPBCD DMT held under tongue for 15 minutes for 1.5 hour straight strongly I've noticed if I have not used the sublingual HPBCD DMT in several weeks, even reached +5 Shulgin level strength easily with 120 to 140mg doses, incredible neon colored CEV's for the full 1.5 hour, pupils fully dilated, pulse quickened, this in combo always with 300 to 350mg oral THH.

The thread below, on post #1 (under part 2) details 300mg oral THH + 60mg sublingual HPBCD DMT re-dose every 1.5 hour, 5 hours of brightly colored CEV visions: example of the importance of THH to the journey, brightly colored snake visions. This all happened after I had not used DMT in over a month, straight out very strong, and YES, this was without any harmine whatsoever. I was seeing brightly colored visions all the way from midnight till 5am in the morning, one of the strongest visual experiences of my entire life:

Great info. Thanks for trading tips with me. The Nexus should do a trading card game with all of this information.

Wish you the best on your psychonautic experiences!
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