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Pharmahuasca did not work

Migrated topic.

Electro Monk

Rising Star
so i had problems getting high for two days, it just did not seem to work right. i suspected my roa, and because i wanted to do an ayahuasca anyway, i decided to do one.

i drank 200mg or harmalas, smoked 100mg or harmalas, then drank 150mg of spice.
about an hour in i purged quite violently, but the sickness was pretty much all i got even two hours in.
at that point i thought i might have just purged it all out, so i deciced do give me another boost and (after asking in chat if it was crazy to do so) put another 75mg into a capsule and the capsule in my butt.
well. this was a huge mistake, i spare you the details of the results of this experiment except for the part that this too did not work.

some 5 hours in when the most i ever felt was comparable to a micro dose, i thought i would probably have purged most of my medicine and decided to give it another try.
i drank 200mg harmalas, waited 45 minutes, then ingested one capsule with 75mg and 15 minutes later another capsule with 75mg.
this time i did not purge or feel much nausea, but sadly the effect was quite the same: a micro dose at best.

so my question is, what could be the reason for this?
could it be that my extraction simply failed? the wax i got looks spicy to me, it smells spicy, it tastes spicy (at least as far as i can tell with my limited experience)
but either my medicine is broken or i am and i really do not get it.

does anyone of you have similar experiences or an explanation? i am quite frustrated at this point.
I have had that happen with me, but I think it was "not enough harmalas" when I did it. Pharmahuasca is tricky, the MAOI has to start working then you have to get a sufficient dose of DMT (I've seen suggestions as low as 80mg up to 200mg on the high end).

I did mine by boiling I think the rue wasn't strong enough the first time, but by the second time I was "way too far", heh quit a lot of bad habits that night, but it was spooky and I regretted going back twice in the same day. (My reason for double dosing was I only had 1 day and the first time failed).

In the end it really may be what you think, it's very possible that the "extraction" isn't as pure as you think. Though from everything I've read (and if I remember correctly) most even highly colored extractions are in the 85+% DMT range. Has it worked before ever? Have you tried other ROA's with success like smoalking?

I hesitate to say "eat more". It does seem like you did everything right. I have 0 experience with boofing, so not sure. Is it possible the capsules released at off times?

Pharma/Aya can be extremely internal as well. Where in a crowded space it can seem tame as you are distracted, but the more interal you go (sitting with your thoughts in the dark alone silently or with icaros), the more it seems to take effect.

Good luck.
thanks for your input metashaman,

it turned out, my source bark was rotten and did not contain more then trace ammounts of dmt.
new source, im sky high XD
Hi Electo Monk,

I am planning to write a pharma guide, but in mean time,,I feel,I should comment on your post since there are many concerning things.

Pharma can be very dangerous if not understood correctly. In short:

- six hours fast before, 13:30'would be your last meal, it can be hearty and fat. NO any food afterwards, not even a bite of bananas fruit shake anything, except water and electrolytes.

- do it at night, dark, with sitter, no noise.

- 200mg harmalas should be enough.

- you don't have to extract dmt, you can do a cold brew, but must grind Mhrb mproperly, there is plenty of info,how to,do,it.

For cold brew you need 3 g of MHRB in 30ml of water and phosphoric acid ph 3, 3 days , filter, and neutralize with sod bic. This is fast, effective and simple.

- NEVER upgrade the trip. Never combine smoking, ingesting... Keep,it clean and organized.

Pharma could have gotten very ugly on you with what I read, so I would consider it luck.

If you are interested in avoiding nausea and clear trip and you are ok with the ROA, here is how to do it...eat 100-150mg of pure harmala extract (or any other form with adequate amount). I am ok with 100mg. Wait 20 minutes. Apply 60mg dmt freebase rectally. How? Use 2ml syringe with top cut by knife, so it can be inserted without injury. The syringe hole should stay the same. Put 1ml of vinegar into shot glass, add the dmt, add another 1ml of water and wait till it dissolves. Suck it into the syringe. Use a bit of lubricant for the syringe and your rectum. Just a little bit, not much. Go ahead.
Be sure to sterilize everything - syringe, shot glass, water. Five minutes in microwave oven with little boiling does the job.
If you have dmt fumarate, no need for vinegar.
The potentiation with rectal ROA is about 3x stronger.
thank you for your input!
if i ever try it again i will make sure to read up the instructions and talk about my plans in the chat before i do it.
for now im just happy my spice works again, but i do not feel like i should do an ayahuasca anytime soon - my life is currently to complicated.

still, thanks again!

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